Esta Visum – wie viel kostet es?
ich bin nächste Woche mit meiner Familie in den USA für einen Kurzurlaub. Man muss ja dafür ein ESTA Visum ausfüllen, hab das nun für alle drei Personen gemacht und die Website sagt mir jetzt es würde 134€ (also quasi 45€ pro Person) kosten! Im Internet steht aber überall ein ESTA Visum kostet pro Person 20€ – hab ich was falsch gemacht?
Yes, you did not request the ESTA via the official page: https://esta.cbp.dhsgov/
There it costs 21 USD.
Other websites require more, but only collect your inputs, possibly check them and fill out the official form for you. I wouldn’t be worth it for more than 100%.
Thank you. Now it worked
An Esta costs EUR 44.95 – if it is a standard application. An urgent request costs a little over 17 euros more
Officially it costs 21 USD: https://esta.cbp.dhsgov/
Your site is a third-party provider that collects a hit of more than 100%.
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lach – that’s not a jerk! This is a service – and many of them take advantage of it because they do not understand the ESTA form on the American side.
And every service now costs money – there are a little more than 20 euros not much.
You booked on the wrong side. Here would be