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In 3 parts
When I cook spaghetti I always break it in the middle before they get into the pot, I’ve always done that. There is no reason why you shouldn’t do this 🙂
If I want shorter noodles, I choose another variety, otherwise spaghettis are wrapped around the fork and consumed with the spoon.
At Spaghetti Bolognese I turn the noodles with fork and spoon.
What else should it make sense to buy long noodles. I eat long noodles – whether spaghetti or tagliatelle – always with a fork.
Is there – fortunately – spoons, knives and forks…;)
with the fork to pull some noodles/spaghetti, turn fork and I already have mouth-fitting portion.
In complete, it just makes more fun. Turn on the fork with spoon.
Cooking in full length.
If it interferes with food, you can still cut it.
Breaking noodles usually only make older people so you can do easier while eating.
If I want to eat shorter pasta, I use other varieties. Spaghetti to break is stillos
The only thing that would happen would be spagetti but that I almost never eat anyway
Always in full length.
Just because after breaking the whole kitchen is full of noodle pieces
Too long spaghetti I break when I make a sauce I don’t want to find on the walls later. :
It’s easier to eat. If you mean spagetti. Let’s just do when we’re alone. If guests are there, the spagetti is cooked completely.
Guess no spaghetti.. I’m more of a penne.
You mean spaghetti?
I eat them like the Italians by turning me a bite with the fork on the edge of the plate.
That’s why I bought that sort.
always in full length
who breaks nuds is funny, taking it is for small children
Breaking noodles is against the dignity of the noodle! ☝
Of course, that’s why I do it. If I like short, I’ll make short.