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Mögt ihr Preiselbeermarmelade?
Wenn ja, wozu?
Benutzt ihr diese Geschmacksdrops für Wasser?
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Yeah, well…
So I buy predominantly regionally, but we do not grow pineapples and bananas… and apples in winter also rarely!
And who wants to do without coffee and/or tea?? o
The long way of transport would be a reason for me not to eat a food so much.
I do, however, sometimes because there are few citrus plantations in my area of Germany;-)
Actually, I’ve never thought about whether they had a long transport or not 🤔
Preferably those with a short transport path.
That doesn’t itch me, main thing it does my hot body well
I try to avoid this as much as possible.
Is there someone who likes to do that? I don’t think nobody says “oh great, that comes from Namibia, that I like!”
I see that it is as regional and organic as possible.
yes if it is very exotic stuff like Pitahaya or kangaroo meat. Or if the Peruvian asparagus is very favorable. It is often even right
Oh, yes, of course, there are things that just go away. Of course I don’t like everything that has a long way. But I like pineapples and citrus fruits.
But I really don’t need meat from Brazil or some humbug.
I’m not looking at the transport routes. I’ll buy something and what I want.