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More than noodles or rice.
yes, in all variations; especially as
for Rievkooche ( and Ruber dachi and as
Indian Potatourry
For 4 persons:
5 large carrots, 3 large potatoes, 3 rag onions, 100 ml vegetable broth, 1 can coconut milk (400 ml), 3 EL curry powder, 2 TL red curry paste, salt, oil, coriander green, freshly chopped (you can, but you don’t have to, it goes also dried)
Peel the carrots and potatoes, cut quarters and into large cubes.
Cut the spring onions into not quite as fine strips.
Heat oil in a large pot.
First the carrots approx. Boil for 2 minutes with stirring, then add the potatoes and fry for a further 2 minutes.
Add onion strips to the vegetables and also roast a little.
Sprinkle the curry powder over the vegetables and sweat with stirring, remove the broth.
Mix well, add coconut milk and red curry paste, season with plenty of salt (the potatoes swallow a lot of salt).
Let simmer on a small flame for 25-30 minutes.
Stir often so that nothing burns and cooks best in an open pot, otherwise the coconut milk foams too much.
Serve with fresh coriander.
Here’s the recipe for a potato run.
Cook potatoes, peel and cut into pieces.
Cut 3 onions and sausages.
Boil onions with salt and then roast sausage.
Put on a plate.
Boil potatoes with salt and then add onions with sausage.
Heat again and add 6-7 eggs and chop egg yolk and slightly salt. Make lid on the pan and fry at 80 degrees 12-15 minutes without stirring.
Season with and/or pepper, chilli, pepper, possibly. Garlic (with roast), possibly caraway.
Worcestersose to eat. I like the one from Apple, for example, from the Edeka or REWE.
What is too much in the microwave later heat or cold it tastes good.
No. I don’t have to.
Can’t you vote?
Ah, now it’s all right
In any case! Also very often
I liked croquettes, Pommes always go.
With sauce, normal kartfoffels are okay, otherwise rather not.
From potatoes, I prefer to make potato salad.
I prepare it very simple with lemon juice, sunflower oil, spring beans and/or garlic, salt, pepper. Without meat sausage, vinegar, etc.
oh as lekka!!!! 🙂
Go on. Is sure there are supplements I like more
Yeah, but it’s nothing special.
In summer not but otherwise: roast potatoes, white cheese, puree, potato salad
Yes I like potatoes.
I like everything from potatoes 😋
Very happy and also in all variations!
Like in the picture no.
Pommes, chips and potato salad yes:D
Yes very much in all variants.
I liked to
Yes, very much 🙂
Yes! Very much even!
I like to eat potatoes.
as roast potatoes
Very welcome
I do.