Esst ihr gerne Hühnereier zum Frühstück?
Und in welcher Form?
Und in welcher Form?
Ich hab bis gestern geglaubt ich sei laktoseintolerant ( ich merke es nach ca. 30 min durch auftretende Bauchschmerzen wenn auch nur kleine Mengen im Essen waren : z.b. auch bei industriell hergestelltem leberkäse …) Ich nehme vor dem essen von „verdächtigen „ Soßen lactose Tabletten ein und nehme lactosefreie Milchprodukte für Kaffee und zum…
Hallo liebe vegane community! Ich (14) möchte gerne vegan leben, weil ich Tierquälerei so wenig wie mir möglich unterstützen möchte. Das Problem ist, dass meine Eltern streng (allgemein nicht nur auf meinen Wunsch vegan zu sein) gegen Veganismus sind. Auch nach vielen Gesprächen habe ich sie nicht überzeugen können. Klar kann ich verstehen dass es…
Ich will mir kalorienarme Snacks kaufen und bin mir nicht sicher welche Marke besser wäre, ESN oder Prozis (für Snacks).
Hii Ich esse ganz normal nicht unbedingt gesund aber auch nicht ausschließlich ungesund irgendwie ist mir vor einiger Zeit aufgefallen dass ich tatsächlich überhaupt nicht zunehme sondern eher abnehme obwohl ich so gut wie kein Sport mache und für mein Alter (m/17) schon fast mehr als normal esse aber egal was und wie viel ich…
Hey wenn ich mir die Kalorien von dem Eis von MC Donalds ausrechne, kommt das raus Kann das passen? LG und danke
I like to eat eggs, for breakfast only as soft eggs, because the fastest and with the egg cooker still goes automatically. At noon it is more fried eggs, mirror eggs with bacon or filled eggs, at times a hard egg to me pumpkin seed oil. I eat not only chicken eggs, but very much also juniper eggs and occasionally to duck eggs.
Good evening,
Breakfast is always sweet with me. Besides, I have too little time in the morning to prepare something more complex. And so great is my love for chicken eggs again not that I would shorten my sleep for consumption. I’m getting out of bed so hard enough.
The shape is quite different. Time as a scrambled egg, sometimes hard boiled on bread, sometimes soft boiled for spooning. As a mirror egg rather seldom for breakfast, for lunch or dinner but also very much liked.
Hard, soft, stirred or mirrored. I rarely take the time. So it’s more like enjoying the weekend.
In actually any prepared form.
I’m very rare because I don’t eat anything in the morning, but if then softly cooked.
Not very often but it tastes very delicious 🙂
The picture looks perfect!!!
the yellow must be liquid with me
but different;
scrambled eggs or eggs with ketchup on the bread
rarely a boiled egg
Maggi Don’t forget!
Cooked. Harder, softer, but always salted.
Every Sunday 2 soft-cooked eggs (become from the private man).
Or omeletts.
To this end self-baked rolls, with poppy seeds, sesame, pumpkin seeds, anise, caraway (the black), sunflower seeds.
as a classic breakfast egg, but as a stirring or mirror egg with bacon
yes, even very happy!
but only as mirror egg – best at least 5 pieces – with ham, bacon, childney beans, corn and toast bread – with n glass orange juice 😋
It’s a lot.
ah, sometimes I eat 7 eggs ^^
What are you doing?
Cooked and cooked in an egg cup. The core has to be half liquid – I like that
Cut small, with majo, some mustard and salt on bread.
Yes, definitely. Healthy and delicious.
Every morning a soft-cooked egg with bread or rolls with fresh cheese and self-cooked Marmelasde/Gelee.
But I love eggs especially mirror eggs 🤤🤤🤤 and the classic mirror eggs and spinach
But only those of our chickens. Cooked with soft dotters or as Strammer Max also Menememem the turquoise type agitator.
Where I would prefer a goose 🤤
Does that taste? I want to try an outing
I find the ingenious 😁 they are also better for allergy sufferers because they are better tolerated than chicken eggs.
The disadvantage is that you have to cook for longer.
Depending on size 12-15 minutes
How long do they need?
I eat a hard cooked egg again and again for breakfast, a mirror egg very rare.
I eat breakfast only on holiday, but since I like to eat eggs in all forms.
Cooked egg, protein solid, egg yolk liquid.
Totally liked as scrambled eggs
With egg for breakfast you could hunt me
Don’t like eggs
but no mirror
From time to time I like to eat a chicken egg for breakfast.
What do I have an appetite for?
4 minutes egg