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Zunehmen trotz Kampfsport?
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Intermediate 🙂
But I eat much more healthier things
Best regards, Jan
From time to time I like to eat this, but I can count it on a hand as often in the year it is with me, and then also only self-made and not bought somewhere ready.
You have to separate the terms Fast Food & Junk Food. Fast food is usually, but not always unhealthy. Junk Food looks different.
Healthy fast food is exactly what?A quickly prepared salad😂😂👍
For example 🤷🏻
By this comment you should conclude that the AG is vegan, as the😂😂😂dann you write the answer is vegan
I just wanted to point out that the answer is vegan.
Wayne interested😂😂😂
There are also vegan junk food.
There’s exactly what I said.Only the Otto Normal citizen Salate doesn’t necessarily count to fast food, just because they are served quickly.And in the future, try to formulate your own comments instead of copying entire passages from the inet.I just give my personal opinion on fast food again, no more.
ChatGPT writes:
This is not really fast food, that is a salad.Fast food means not only fast, but it is a synonym for junk food.
It’s okay. It’s delicious, eat it sometimes, but always have fun that I take too much of it 😅. So I never eat too much of it. Some days only…
It’s delicious. But I don’t eat it often because it’s very unhealthy now
Rare. If you have a balanced diet, you can also allow one or another.
Yes, sometimes it is very tasty,but also lasting… so once a month is good.😅☺️
LG Maike
From time to time, but very rare.
Sometimes I like myself. but I care about my food, I notice how my skin shines
As good as never, I should be short of starving!
Not so mine
From time to time
If pizza belongs to fast food, then yes.
I’m counting on fast food.
Yes very much but unfortunately too much
Sometimes it may be.
Yes! But self-made and not bought!
I don’t like fast food, and I’ll get a diner in the store around the corner. ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄