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I rarely eat bread. And it’s not that I wouldn’t like it. I like white bread, although I haven’t eaten it since my childhood, and I like, for example, gray bread or black bread.
You’re welcome.
Whether white bread, whole grain bread, mixed bread… I’ll change. But good quality Bread must be!
But it has to be well baked. Unfortunately, there are hardly small bakeries and I have to resort to branches.
But there are already some varieties that I still like: Walnussbrot von “Schneider”, Körnerbrot von Evertzberg (even in some Aldi shops), Merzenich Zirbelbrot, Traditional bread.
Just bright wheat bread without what I just don’t like.
No, I don’t like that simple light wheat bread.
For breakfast always: but always homemade. From self-ground flour. You know what’s in it: only the most necessary… flour, water, salt. And either yeast or sourdough.
Of course, and what is in the soil and in the air that contributed to the growth of cereals, you also know.
Well, I’m buying organic grains exclusively. In the case of flour produced by itself, no additives are present which are customary today. neither enzymes nor any other substances which are added to the machine baking. In any case, much less stress than with purchased flour. These are practically canned..
Then we agree.
I see that differently: in industrially produced bread and in bread-back mixes as they use bakers (to 90%) are additives in it. It is possible to dispense with them. The things that are still undesirable due to our environmental impact are: logical. However, the other (industrially produced) are also in it! It can’t be avoided.
What I wanted to say is your belief that you’re under control. It’s a bust.
Say… What do you think I’m young?? That I can’t convert the carbon myself into grains. is logical.. 😉 and that’s a lot when waxing.
What is in the soil and in the air that contributed to the growth of cereals, you know?
Bread is a massive carbohydrate bomb and the higher the white flour content and wheat content, the more worrying.
It is hardly conceivable that someone with high consumption of white flour bread can remain healthy for longer years.
In diabetics, it becomes even more critical.
I assume you’ll die healthy once.
I’m not gonna do that. But diabetes II can be terribly miserable. Advance obesity, blindness. Dementia, limb amutations, dialysis trips and cancer.
I want to save it.
I know. I have been affected for at least 5 years, avoid all sugary and have been very well adjusted with drugs. Wheat rolls are more common for breakfast, so I don’t make a spice.
Not necessarily bread, but grain. I’m trying to eat it every day. If it is not a whole grain bread, then porridge with oat flakes. It can also be pastries of whole grain flour.
The emphasis is on whole grain! Because only that is saturating & healthy.
Depends on it, so hot fresh crust bread from the baker of my trust, yes. The shit from the supermarket tends, you can hunt me with you.
For breakfast usually rolls, otherwise I prefer to eat other, warm meals
I like to eat bread and it belongs to breakfast for me. But I don’t eat much of it. Usually only one or two slices a day and that’s it. but there are also days there is more and for that it eats ich on other days no bread.
What’s your night?
Nothing or no more broth. Nothing. Come with two meals a day wonderfully just because I don’t get dinner at night. And depending on when I’m back from work, I could eat until 21:00 and that’s clearly too late for me. So there is only breakfast and lunch with me (and at some point between 11am and 4pm (yes at 11am I will take it when I have lunch break at work and have breakfast in the morning at 4pm or 5pm). After lunch there’s nothing left and I don’t need either because lunch keeps me tired enough until the next day
a fresh brot with a delicious screed can be really awesome, eat aebr not so often brot
lg W/15
I always take brot to school and eat it often in the morning or even in the evening
I don’t eat bread regularly – if, then “real” dinkel bread or raw bread…
To the colourful oven vegetables also fresh Ciabatta – I was never the bread fan. ;
Yes – there are many “executions”, e.g. also from sour wort…
Google just once – I like it very much…;)
Only dried – to max. 40 °!
But I don’t eat much bread.
I like to eat bread, not only for breakfast, but also to take the sauce at dinner.
Or salad, for the rest of the dressing on the plate.
Yeah, there.
I buy 6-8 varieties of bread from the best baker from our region every couple of weeks.
I get this cut on request and feed it in portions. After thawing it tastes like freshly baked.
And so we have another bread every day.
Of course there are also rolls or muesli.
Pretty much….for breakfast, snack, in the evening a pane…whenever after I is:)
More buns
No, it’s for the purpose. I may consume 200-300g of bread a week. A slice in about a day.
I don’t treat normal bread.
But only black bread or protein bread.
Sometimes haha
Best regards Clary✨
There are very wide variety and very different qualities, from inedible to oberlecker. The latter then a true pleasure. According to my experience, Bavaria is very far ahead.
Bread is bread.
However, I would prefer other (zb noodles) about bread if present.
Normal holding
I love bread. There is nothing better
Yes. I eat in the morning and evening.😋
Since “loves for my life” is very exaggerated, I do not choose that. But I eat bread very often.
… and if my one right (!) good (!!) Bread (!!!) has … then you don’t even need a covering, butter or other!
If you have good cover, good butter and other things… BESSER is not! ♥♥♥
Hmmm…fresh from the oven with some butter, the scent, the crust crispy….😋🤤🤤🤤
For my life, because I’m a bread fan.
Me too