Esst ihr gern Hummer, Meeresfrüchte etc.?
Letztes Jahr gab es bei uns im Lidl Hummer für 20€ im Angebot, der schon gekocht war. Er hat sehr lecker geschmeckt, meiner Meinung nach einer Mischung aus Fisch und Garnelen. Das einzige was ich schade finde, das der Hummer nicht so viel Fleisch in sich hatte. Mögt ihr Hummer, Krabbe, Garnelen etc. Oder eher nicht?
Always found everything that comes out of the water disgusting ..
Whether lobster, crabs, squid, shellfish or fish..
Water is absolutely not mine
What I would do without lobsters for a beautiful pocket cancer at any time.
I’ve never eaten lobsters before, but I’m not very fond of it. Generally, fish or seafood is not mine.
But don’t necessarily need the lobster from the chest.
I currently enjoy Argentine red cloves, peeled and unarmed. Lidl has 30 pieces in the freezer bag, Aldi just has them in the cooling again.
But I haven’t eaten HUMMER yet, but otherwise I like everything possible in the direction
This is like catching the shark and cutting it off the fins, and then throwing it alive again into the water.
A waste of the animal that had to die and suffer for little food and pleasure.
That’s why I refuse.
Unbelievable. But most likely on the French coast. There the animals are absolutely fresh.
No, it’s more like that.😅😊
LG Maike
Animals are not fruit. The only thing I like is crabs, the rest can or can live on.
If you also call “leaf fruit”,… something is out of date, but the little one from the sea, you can also call fruit.
I like all crustaceans. However, I like lobsters and other crustaceans only from wildcats. Then a lobster costs more than 20 euros.
For me, the seaweeds and no fruits.
aba the lower is ne unrolled shrimps. and normally they are peeled, and “as ” ^” is not a marine maze, but a delicacies ^^
Thanks, corrected. ^^
that must be. brav 🙂
Yeah, I’m generally a big friend of seafood.
Domestically thrown in boiling water. Only so that our pathetic bodies can be regenerated
I have not yet tried lobsters, but shrimps and shells, squids. I like very, especially on pizza and spaghetti.
Then I invite you.
Seeehr :))
Would also like to try squid. How does that taste?
Rather mild and not after fish. The texture is interesting and delicious with the right sauce.
This is not a problem at all, is worth it:)
If I can send you an invoice about the fuel costs, I’d like to come down, you can save the way. :
Hummers and cancers must die very painfully – they are cooked alive.
Your death can last up to a quarter of an hour!
No – I don’t eat marine animals, I don’t eat animals…
They die immediately in boiling water. If the water doesn’t cook, it’s bullying.
I can’t afford it. Against a few North Sea cloves “naturell” I cooked in a small bowl in North Sea water as a rare luxury but also nothing to use.
I would not have been cut off with mussels with tomato onion garlic and lush white bread.
I don’t count the famous “strip fish” here.
I like to eat seafood, mussels, shrimps, crabs, etc but I don’t have to have a lobster. For the price of a lobster, I’d rather buy a decent steak.
I love seafood!
From Lidl I had no lobster, but already in several restaurants, France, Italy and Greece.
I can’t quite follow because you feed the lobster up to your exoskellet.
Squids are just as delicious as, unfortunately only locally prepared sea urchins. Oysters are a tasteful a little overestimated but quite healthy.
Hummer not necessarily, but I like seafood very much.
That’s why he came only 20€. It’s usually much more expensive.
I like shrimp.
does sushi count? xD if yes then I just like sushi but the rest does not taste
I used to love sushi, but meanwhile I’m getting really bad about it
Then the sushi was not fresh! Better pay a little more, then the quality is also true. Generally, only eat “just in time” prepared, if not available, then let it be better.
iuu jaa okay I understand, I have once again. I don’t get it first xD
I’ve eaten bad sushi ever since I didn’t get it down
Explicit lobster I’ve never eaten. But seafood in general I like to eat.
too expensive
I like it, but unfortunately don’t.
I prefer the shrimps.
With garlic?
Rather fried or fried in sweet sour sauce. Never eat with garlic.
I don’t like it at all. It’s all weird.
Just a great taste with Mediterranean flair.
The lobsters generally taste nothing.
I cannot understand this statement and do not agree.