Do you also only eat the middle part of the toast?

For years, no one in our household has wanted to eat the first and last slice of toast. Neither have I. My excuse, however, is that I've adapted to my family's customs. Why do you eat these slices, or why not?

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2 years ago

We’ll leave them.

My wife eats them sometimes.

Because they’re not as good as the others.

2 years ago

Everything else would be waste…

…and there is no reasonable reason why this would explain…

…at least you could use these slices (if it is “real” toast bread with bark at the beginning and end…) for semmelbrösel, semmelknödel etc….

2 years ago
Reply to  myotis

By the way: who already eats the bag (“enpackage”!?)??

2 years ago

Actually, I eat very rarely toastbrot, but if, then also the edge discs, whether edges or not. If there is some bread left that no one wants, it comes to dry with us in a basket and will be ground on occasion to melt flour.

2 years ago

The first and last discs are the best. My daughter and I regularly argue about who can get them…

2 years ago
Reply to  alterzapp

😂 🤣 – no, unfortunately Karlsruhe is from us several hundred km away…

2 years ago

DHL & Hermes makes it possible;o)

…and crispy by itself ;o)

2 years ago

Sure, I noticed that the middle slices are more juicy.

However, I use all toast discs because I am strictly opposed to any form of food waste.

Small cut and roasted in olive oil gives the delicious croutons. 🙂

2 years ago

Except, the end piece is actually an end piece, so from one side only crust. I don’t like that. This is very rare for my toasts.

2 years ago

If you’re dead, you don’t notice a difference. If you eat them untoasted, these slices are in fact often more dry – at least the top. If you only leave them in the pack so that the other slices remain fresh, I wouldn’t eat them at the end because it should be quite dry. But you could make something like French toast. So put in eggs and milk and then fry and eat with fruit or fried tomatoes or something.

2 years ago

I think everything else is waste.

2 years ago

Of course I eat all the slices, as the waste of food is contrary to me.

2 years ago

I don’t have the problem because the toast varieties we use have no end. But if I were, I would eat it.

2 years ago

Because it would be silly not to do it.

2 years ago

also think that is called forced-neurotic

2 years ago

Everything’s gonna be eaten. Throwing food is an unding! Or what are you doing?

2 years ago



2 years ago

The first and last pane is always crispy 👌

2 years ago

Find my daughter and me, too. We even argue about who can get the first and last record…

1 year ago

I don’t have a problem with them, they taste just as good as the rest.

2 years ago

I don’t like Toastbrot specifically. A good bread from the baker tastes much better.

2 years ago

I don’t eat toast bread.

2 years ago

If ever, all the slices.

2 years ago

I only eat the outer slices

2 years ago

We also eat the ends of the toast bread and don’t throw anything away.

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2 years ago

We eat all the bread

2 years ago

If I ever eat Toastbrot.