Essstörung, wie hat es begonnen?


ich habe eine Frage an die Leute, die eine Essstörung hatten:

Wie seid ihr da hineingerutscht und wie habt ihr wieder herausgefunden. Ich bin nämlich leider eine der Betroffenen und brauche dringend Hilfe, bevor es noch schlimmer wird. Sagt mir bitte nicht, dass ich mit jemandem reden muss, denn ich bin bereits bei einem Therapeuten und ich habe auch bereits mit meinen beiden besten Freundinnen gesprochen. Helft mir bitte, ich habe wirklich Angst.

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11 months ago

Eating disorder had:

I wanted to lose weight and was through a lot of sports in a daily deficit of at least 1500 calories.

From any point, you just lose the feeling of hunger and I felt much better when I had eaten little.

But I managed to eat normally again.

11 months ago
Reply to  Spaghettius

Isn’t that something about hunger for self-control?

11 months ago
Reply to  n0rdn0da

No. From a certain deficit, the body takes a lot of calories from fat and recovers from there also carbohydrates. The whole metabolism is changing to reserve.

You lose your appetite.

11 months ago

I am glad that my diluted knowledge has been enriched here.

11 months ago

Purely slipped – through a classic diet that has self-employed.. the addiction to control and power over your own body..

I still haven’t gotten out, but I’m on my way. Especially the reasons WIESO I want to get out I’m trying to keep an eye on myself

11 months ago

I had a few pounds too much. Then love grief, lost apartment, mother died. A certain time later I weighed 179.9 kg. Punchback. Then a diabetes diagnosis came. Long-term sugar value 13.8. It’s life-threatening. I immediately slipped into Orthorexie Nervosa (eating every bite makes me sick thought). Didn’t eat five months, just take Fresubin to me and take 41 kg. Then slowly start eating again, but still decreased, only slower. Then I was prescribed “Ozenpic” (means against diabetes, which suppresses hunger), whereupon I had taken more. Now I am at 117 kg and eat very little, because the stomach has decreased by itself and because Ozempic is still hungry.

11 months ago

Had one by yazio and umfeld get now I take off but healthier