Essstörung Anzeichen?

Hey ich wollte fragen da es mir leider schon „unterstellt“ wurde dass ich eine Essstörung habe hier kommen ein paar Sachen: ich esse 900kcal am Tag, bin 164cm und wiege 47kg,bin die ganze Zeit müde, mache jeden Tag 1 Stunde Sport, panische Angst davor zuzunehmen,habe Haarausfall usw.

vielen Dank

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1 year ago

That’s not an understatement, but sad fact. Because no one with a healthy eating habit and a healthy setting to eat would take so little. Apart from that you already notice that your body does not come clear with the few food. And taking panic fear also says everything except that you take too little calories to you. Unfortunately, there is only one more therapy to get out of eating disorder/magery

1 year ago

The submission is not unrealistic. These are hardly enough calories that your brain works perfectly.

Find professional help – the sooner the better!

1 year ago

This subheading should apply: 900 kcal a day is too little ..

To increase your panic fear: a clear sign.

Just like tracking the kcal: honestly, I have to confess that I have never done that before.

And 900 kcal doesn’t even cover your basic needs…

1 year ago

Don’t sound healthy. Pick up a doctor.