Inhale vinegar cleaner?
Hello, I cleaned my floor with vinegar cleaner without water, without anything. Just vinegar cleaner. Of course, I inhaled it. Is this harmful to my health?
Hello I have to conduct an experiment for my physics thesis, which is about engines. My goal is to conduct a model experiment. I drill a hole in a cardboard tube that will fit a plug. I place a paper cup (piston) on top and add a little ethanol to the bottom. According to the…
Horizontal lines point out from the projection plane towards the viewer. Vertical lines run behind the projection plane, away from the viewer. So if I now consider the following: Do all the Cs of the main chain point behind the projection plane? Actually, it should alternate forward and backward at an angle of approximately 111°,…
Hello dear users! I was just curious about the topic, and unfortunately couldn't find anything direct or concrete on the internet. I would like to know which (at room temperature and normal pressure) gaseous elements there are that are harmful to humans, and which can be harmlessly inhaled (which are NOT normally found in the…
If it were in solution, it would be Fe3+(aq) and Cl-(aq), but individually these ions don't produce this color. If the color came from the compound FeCl3, that's fine, but that's a solid, not a liquid.
Hello, is there any way to get a balloon up without helium?
I saw chemical forms of different alkalis (NaOH, KOH…) and wondered whether these were not salts , because salts consist of non-metals plus metals (ions).
No, I guess it won’t be that bad. Hatte ’nen Buddy, he’s got it right inoculatedseveral shots.
A little is not bad, but you can breathe too much of it.
I don’t know if I have inhaled too much since I cleaned it with my hand and made it dry with my hand too