Essen von angebissenen Essen beim Tablettregal im Bäcker oder Mcdonalds?


Ich hab überlegt das restliche Essen von anderen Leuten zu essen da es sonst in den Müll kommt und es kostenlos ist. Wäre es möglich dass da Krankheiten oder was weiß ich noch übertragen werden kann? Klingt eklig aber wenn man hungrig ist dann isst man alles.

Freundliche Grüße


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2 years ago

You’ll quickly notice the operator. And they’ll give you a quick ban. Evtl. No house.

2 years ago

Clearly, diseases are so transferable.

2 years ago

Haha crash

other diseases, the above

2 years ago
Reply to  shgold

No, it’s not “o.k.” They’re not just gonna let a lunatic run around.

2 years ago


There is also a table in every city

You get a very cheap lunch

You’re hurting yourself by taking food from people who can also transfer diseases

I would advise you to take food to you that is offered inexpensively

Family and friends or neighbours are definitely able to give something to them, right?
I also have some neighbours who have little money to live

And these people often get something delicious from me

Whether cooked or bought food

LG Angel

2 years ago
Reply to  Angel1112

Dear friend, I agree with that.

Welcome to you, GLG, W.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lazarius

There we are again an opinion,-thanks, you love soul…Eure 2

2 years ago

Nobody – I sign – washes his hands before the McDoof. So you don’t want to know what’s sticking to the food.

But I also disgust people who seem to have too much money.

2 years ago

Of course, you can get diseases. If the stuff is bite, there’s still a little saliva on it and then you can get droplet infections. Almost every disease can be transmitted.

2 years ago

You can get some rest. Finally, there have been no illnesses at all since the beginning of 2020 …

2 years ago


Lovely remains of baker, eating as a “new” from Mc Donalds

I would not be afraid of communicable diseases, but only strengthen the immune system.


2 years ago

The environment would naturally be a fine thing.

But do you really like to eat when the sabber hangs from a stranger? Or someone with unwashed hands comes from the toilet and had the burger in his hand…

2 years ago
Reply to  Rosswurscht

In the mind, I’m getting really bad

2 years ago
Reply to  Angel1112

The idea of Mc Donalds is often enough

2 years ago

That’s exactly what I see – I’m not a guest