Essen Frauen wirklich kein Fleisch?
Ich höre öfters von Leuten oder aus dem Internet, dass gesagt wird, dass Frauen sehr wenig bis gar keinen Fleisch essen. Irgendwie kann ich mir das nur schwer vorstellen, dass das der Fall ist. Das Frauen sich meistens vegetarisch/vegan ernähren ist bekannt. Aber ist Fleisch wirklich nicht mit bei? Nicht einmal Hähnchenbrust oder was wenig Fett an Fleisch hat ?
Of course, women eat meat. Less than men.
So specifically: only 11% of all women in Germany eat meat daily. The men are 28%. Source
And women eat only half as much meat as men a year. Source: Fleischatlas 2021 of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, pdf
Yes, as a woman, I can tell you that I enjoy a good piece of meat. In the evening there is a nice steak with oven potatoes;)
However, we eat only little meat (so my husband) because we have the right to obtain it from a very good attitude and regionally. That costs more, so we can afford less. About 300 – 500g per week and person are our cut. Rare becomes more, occasionally less.
I think women eat less meat, and in the restaurant I’ve already been looked awkward because I’ve squeezed 250g steak instead of picking up the salad. So maybe some women just say that they eat little meat to not be eaten.
Thank you for your honest answer 😉
Women generally eat less than men and pay much more attention to their figure. That’s why they don’t eat as much meat as men and a salad.
Among the vegetarians and vegans, there are more women than men. But overall they are far in the minority.
But that doesn’t mean that women don’t eat meat – most do. At our grill parties, the women were also strong. Still, the men eat and drink more.
Um,so I have some in my Fam eating meat,of course all I think I eat meat,my friends eat meat (except vllt 2 friends).
If not all are grown up, so there is no ‘woman’ yet, but I think that counts anyway.
But clearly we do not eat half a chicken every day, so keep to measure, and not in MASSEN.
But every day I don’t eat meat, and I don’t eat anything
And you?
Thanks for your honesty. I eat some meat. So more so chicken breast fillet. But beef/ lamb and everything that smells intense, I avoid 🤣
Clear, all good;)
Yes, lamb and beef go, but I don’t eat very often, at least not lamb.
LG :
Thanks haha
Just because I find your answer beautiful;)
Why Lach Smiley Haha😂
It’s true with me. But it’s also because I feel bad about meat. At least this is my guess why I even get sodburning during the meal…
I don’t count on this kind of woman. Eat meat almost every day and love it!
My ex fed Schnitzel like a combine harvester. 🙂
Nee…. think this is more individual or a cliché.
You can’t resist Schnitzel either.
I’m sick of that because it’s too fat. But tasty is already XD
So I also feed vegetarian
really also 100% vegetarian? Which means no chicken breast or what has little fat?
Yes 100% vegetarian since I am “small”
ok I thank you 😉
I’m a meat man. However, it must be a good piece of meat.
Very strong
So I like to eat meat… before all fat. I could not live without burger, chickenwings, etc.
lg sarah
You’re generalizing.
No, I don’t. That’s why I wrote that I thought it was hard to imagine that this is the case.
I myself am a W and eat some of Föeisch. Not all kinds, but some.
However, women have only better adapted the aspect of abandonment in veganism, as their earning is based on weight control rather than on men.
which are the sources you have?
Hm, you don’t know my wife and her friends!
My mother also eats meat – if that is important! XD