Essen Frauen anders als Männer?
Gibt es Statistiken, Analysen, was Frauen eher essen, was nicht?
Das selbe f. Männer ?
Wo liegen die groesseren Unterschiede?
Meiner Erfahrung nach essen Frauen wesentlich mehr Salat oder Rohkost oder Obst
Männer sind Fleisch – und Wurst-Esser….
Was meint Ihr ?
Results of a national consumption study (NVS) of 2008: men significantly more meat, sausage etc; women more fruit, vegetables about the same, wine and champagne similar, men more beer.
Na also !! Hab auch geforscht:
Der kleine Unterschied – Ernährung von Mann und Frau › pfd_2009
körperlich schwer arbeiten- den Personen deutlich über dem Richt- wert liegen kann. EU: Essen Frauen und Männer wirklich anders? KREMS: Die Nationale …
Warum Männer gerne Fleisch essen und Frauen lieber Salat › Biologie
06.03.2017 — Rollenklischees und die Evolution beeinflussen unser Essverhalten. Frauen ernähren sich gesünder, aber leiden auch häufiger unter …
Männer essen anders – DGE › uploads › media › DGE-Pre…
07.01.2022 — Kurzversion: (dge) Männer essen mit 1 092 g pro Woche doppelt so viel Fleisch, Fleischer- zeugnisse und Wurstwaren wie Frauen.
Frau vs. Mann: So groß sind die Unterschiede in der Ernährung › nestle-studie › ernaehrungsstudie
Es geht dann meistens um Fußball, Autos oder auch ums Essen. Frauen greifen angeblich eher zum Salat, Männer zum Steak. Die Nestlé Studie „So is(s)t Deutschland …
Frauen und Männer essen anders – Gesundheit.gv › … › Aktuelles 2010
22.11.2010 — Ernährung, Männer, Frauen, Gender, Sex, Steak, Gemüse, Obst, Geschlecht;
Yeah, you were diligent. I’ll send you the link to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Here you can download the results of the NVS II (to which some of the articles are called) directly if you are interested in the topic.
Dietary habits of the Germans
The results of the NVS II showed that dietary habits differ from men and women: men eat twice as much meat, sausages and meat products as women. While men eat 160 grams of meat products daily, only 83 grams of women come to the plate. Vegetable foods, in particular vegetables, are consumed both by men and by women in lesser quantities than recommended by the German Nutrition Society (DGE). To vitamin and mineral supplements or Dietary supplements took 28 percent of the respondents – although most vitamins and minerals in the median have reached or even exceeded the reference values of the DGE. Persons aged 65 to 80 were most often supplemented by NVS II.
There is much more to eat than “Salat, raw food, fruit, meat and sausage”.
In addition, there are both women and men who do not take animal food and those who can do little with salad.
The food preferences can also change.
It can be said that men feed more unhealthy than women, with a reason why they die earlier.
Yes – For example, women are more careful that the fat at the food is less…
A cook told me that women were eating more fish.
I think
So it’s more like my husband eats fruit often, I don’t. We agree with meat in summer, we both like to eat vegetables.
Salads in the summer, when we grill, are just part of it.
Personal preferences are not dependent on sex. Rather, it is strange prejudicial social conditions and sexist requirements that make women eat only tasteless calorie-free crap so that they are socially accepted for their lean bodies.
What’s that supposed to tell me?
You question is why it is. My guess is because it is expected socially.
I don’t think so. Women just eat more conscious, healthy ….
My thesis is: men eat different things as women, but not because of gender-dependent preferences, but because of social circumstances.
… that there’s something to do with the sex??
with more than 50 percent adipous eat the same.
So similar uncontrolled stuffing behaviors are more women who make keto than men. I think so. If they’re slender.