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hat 80 Grammatik proteine und schmeckt gut PS: bin m,17, 1,90 und fresse dem entsprechenden auch sehr viel
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Hey, ich war der Meinung, dass es im Jahr 2005 ca. rum so frittierte Schokobälle gab. Irgendwie kann sich daran aber keiner erinnern und alle sagen mir, ich hätte das nur geträumt 😂 ich MUSS es einfach wissen.
I’m trying to avoid eating hot food. With a small portion, it’s not that bad when it’s too hot. But if I burn, I’d rather spit it out. This is not so common.
Doesn’t pay for the short moment, moreover, it is extremely rare.
Applies also to hot food.
However, it might have been better sometimes because I have burned my mouth more often.
I wish you a nice evening.
Thank you.
Rare, but it happens.
I usually test a bit before and often a bit of intense breathing is enough to cool the bites faster. But before I burn, I’d rather not be quite right.
I’m trying to cool air or water. It’s a bit unfeinched. Mom taught me that differently. ;
Comes max. at the taste of the soup. I’m generally careful.
as I know which dishes are very hot I am careful and puste only when in the mouth too hot to keep the mouth moving and well.
I still swallow it down.
I just drink
If there’s something to drink nearby.
If nothing is wrong I just swallow
No? Even if I don’t insist on any bold rules, I’ve got some tablemaning.
By the way, it helps to open the mouth easily and pull some air in. For example, I can eat pizza fresh from the oven.
looks not very beautiful
Right, but far better than to spit back on the plate or in the hand…
Good evening.
I don’t know
No, I drink something.
At least not in society.
If I’m alone.
I always temper my food adequately
and would it not be adequately tempered against expectations?
Well, I guess I’d catapult it.
Anyone who has learned to eat decently does not stop hot bites in the neck.
can happen accidentally
mainly heated tomato sauce becomes particularly hot
I’m going through the tongue with frequent moving.
As an adult, I would be pretty stupid…
What would you do if it was too hot?
Ensure that it is not burning hot before consumption – and how that happens most of us have shown our mothers;)
What was that supposed to do? 😂😅
Prevent burns
Speichel is not cold but has your body temperature
Yeah, well, but it doesn’t make any sense. Keeping in front of the fan would make more sense
it’s about the hot food in your mouth that you spit out