Essen alle Menschen in Japan mit Stäbchen?

Ich bin neugierig, gibt es in Japan auch Familien die mit Messer und Gabel essen so wie wir oder essen dort wirklich alle Leute mit Essstäbchen an diesen kleinen Tischen im Schneidersitz?

Vielen Dank im Voraus

PS. Und ja ich weiß die Frage klingt ein bisschen dumm 😅🙈

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1 year ago

In Japan it is already generally eaten with sticks. But also in Japan there are intermediate restaurants from other cultures, such as pizza shops. There you are not with sticks, and most Japanese can also handle cutlery.

But I once read that it was complained that children often don’t learn the food with sticks or later because they eat with the spoon. Even I have often seen children eating sticks in restaurants.

1 year ago

“All” certainly not and especially not “always” and a low table where you can only find in the tailor’s seat is becoming more and more rare.

But the vast majority in Japan actually uses sticks for very many dishes, especially everyday dishes are like to be eaten.

Nevertheless, knives, forks and spoons are also present in most households. The fork is particularly used in Italian cuisine. Spoons are even used in local dishes such as Kare or Omurice.

The eating knife, on the other hand, is actually a rather rare sight, because dishes are usually precut in mouth-sized pieces.

1 year ago

There are dishes that are eaten with knives and fork, for example in an Italian restaurant. Otherwise, sticks and spoons are the typical cutlery.

If you don’t care to get along with it, don’t worry if you can fail to ask for cutlery. The easiest way to learn it is to copy and try it out.

In the tailor’s seat you are rarely seated, and as a tourist you are usually guided directly to a right table or a lower seat, as they know that we are not used to.

During the travels I only eaten 3x so, 2x in a Ryokan and 1x in a very remote restaurant.

1 year ago

There are Japanese who also eat with knives and fork.

1 year ago

I learned a little Japanese. I remember, among other things, that “naifu”, “fôku” and “supun” stand for “knives”, “Gabel” and “Löffel”. Of course these are the words “knife” imported from English, “fork” and “spoon” …

1 year ago

People from Europe, America, Australia, are sure to eat with forks and knives… or can both…