Esse ich zu viele Äpfel?
ich bin ein totaler Apfel-Fan. Mittlerweile frag ich mich aber, ob die Menge an Apfel, die ich so esse eigentlich normal ist. Freitag habe ich bspw. 8 Äpfel gekauft und von denen ist jetzt noch einer da (Ich esse i.d.R. so 1 bis 3 oder 4 Äpfel am Tag). Ich wach manchmal auch nachts auf und denke mir yes… jetzt einen Apfel und dann gibt’s halt nen Apfel.
Wie seht ihr das als Außenstehende?
Vielen Dank!
comes to the sorts you eat.
I don’t care about the industrial apples, but more about the old aromatics, where everyone tastes very different.
I wouldn’t get on the idea of buying me 8 apples of just one sort.
but eat quiet as long as it is native. is low season and there are really unhealthy.
There is nothing to be expected of excessive fruit consumption except for one thing – fruit sugar. You shouldn’t overdo it too much.
That is why nutritionists also advise that they more vegetables than fruit per day, as too much fruit sugar can also press on the KCAL-Waage and can have a negative effect.
But still better than artificial industrial sugar =)
2 apples per day are not excessive consumption. The KH in the apple is no problem even with overweight.
Your answer is not helpful.
With excessive consumption, I also meant excessive consumption. I wouldn’t even call 6 apples a day excessive consumption.
Because I can and may.
Basically, the statement is true, but I should have mentioned that its consumption with 4 apples a day is far below the excess. A flaw of volatility.
and then why are you giving an answer above?
You must have a great digestion 😀
Sounds good! Go on.
I also like apples totally 🙂 as long as you don’t just feed on it and otherwise balanced it will be fine.
I also eat at least one so relaxed every day
I eat 2 apples a day. I think 3-4 apples a day are not a problem. That’s a healthy food.
This is unobjectionable
Unproblematic. But eat other raw food, variety is the king.
Eat an apple every day, save the doctor.
No, apples are very healthy. Get in!
This is totally super and very healthy!
Eating 8 apples from Friday to Tuesday is perfectly okay.
I’d be worried about 50 pieces.
Better apples than sweets