Esse ich zu viel?

Morgens, wenn meine Freundinnen und ich in die Schule kommen, gehen wir gleich frühstücken. Ich esse meistens zwei Brötchen Hälften und einen joghurt. Manchmal hohle ich mir zusätzlich noch eine Brötchen Hälfte. Immer wenn ich meinen Teller auf den Tisch stelle, sagen meine Freundinnen “so viel willst du essen?” oder “wie viel willst du denn noch essen?”. Ich finde eigentlich nicht, dass das viel ist. Dienstags, wenn es vom Mittagessen vom Vortag noch Nudeln gibt, esse ich dazu dann auch noch welche.

Jetzt mache ich mir doch etwas Gedanken, ob sie vielleicht recht haben könnten.

Ich habe keine falsche Wahrnehmung von meinem Körper, denn ich habe nicht das Gefühl, dass ich zu dick bin oder zu viel wiege, weil ich weiß dass es auch nicht so ist. Ich bin ein Mädchen, 7. Klasse, 1,73 m und wiege 55/56 kg.

Ich weiß, dass meine Freunde mich nicht verurteilen wollen. Denn wenn ich frage “sollte ich nicht essen, wenn ich Hunger habe?” oder sage “lasst mich doch essen”, dann sagen sie sowas wie “nein natürlich sollst du essen wenn du Hunger hast” oder so ähnlich.

Esse ich aber trotzdem so viel, wie sie sagen?

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1 month ago


And I don’t just say that because you’re my girlfriend

I also often have this, my friends eat really little, unlike me… I often go after. I’ve heard comments about it, too, that I eat too much and something like you. Also from my friends…

With my friends, however, I think that they are not accustomed to it, is really about this:

my girlfriend: half plate noodles

I: 3Teller noodles

and that is not exaggerated haha

I also thought about it at the beginning. I HAVE A DIMENSION! A DIMENSION! And I hate myself for that.

At some point, I saw that my eating habits are just different from those of my environment. Can’t everyone be the same.

In the meantime, I just managed to say “yes, I am a lot of question” and that I mean for fun…

or I say something like “yes, my stomach is big”

I’m not overweight or something.

NOTHING! (I know, you said you know that, just want to tell you again…)

I mean…you’re 10cm taller and lighter than me, okay

So, Conclusion:

You’re not too much! Your body needs fucking food! Don’t think you eat too much!

Eating habits and bodies are different!

Stay so self-confident and tell what you’re saying so far because you can eat something and so much you want!

Don’t let you go! (Not from your friends!)

1 month ago
Reply to  BlackCat622


1 month ago


1 month ago

No, you eat normally. Maybe the others are already on their way to an eating disorder.

1 month ago
Reply to  Losona

With the weight and size you are certainly also very slim. Don’t lose weight and don’t let your healthy eating behavior break down.

1 month ago

“I am a girl, 7th grade, 1,73 m and weighed 55/56 kg.”

Pass. At the age, many people can eat like the barnend scissors. But after so much your quantities don’t sound.

Get in and don’t let you go crazy.

1 month ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

Exactly. At this age, food is important, your body needs nutrients/energy to grow healthy.

1 month ago

Just say that it’s your thing, how much you eat and that you don’t make any comments when they pick like the birds.

and I find what you eat rather little.

1 month ago

Certainly not.

You’re very big for your age and have to eat accordingly. 55kg are normal for your size. And even if not, everyone can eat as he likes it

1 month ago

Many young people unfortunately have a disturbed self-perception. Your weight is absolutely fine. You do sports and move a lot. You definitely don’t eat too much.

1 month ago

Buy a scale. Put yourself on every Sunday morning and then you’ll see if you’re taking, or not.

1 month ago
Reply to  98868958

Not necessary. Your weight is completely fine u she does not eat too much