Esse ich gesund?

Ich denke von mir selber dass ich gesund esse was denkt ihr? Ich wiege 49kg und bin 1.65 m groß

Frühstück: Haferflocken mit Jogurt und Obst drinnen dazu Orangensaft(frisch gepresst)

Mittagessen: Kabeljau mit Rosmarinkartoffeln und Möhren.

Snack: Energy Balls 2Stück

Abendessen: Gemüselasagne

Nachtisch Nüsse

Das hab ich gestern gegessen

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2 years ago

Yes, that is very healthy 🙂 Of course, the portions are also relevant, you weigh quite little, so you might be able to pack some more. But the main thing you are healthy is that we cannot judge from the outside 🙂

2 years ago

Sounds healthy and balanced. But we don’t know the portions. Are they big enough?

You’re not afraid of your body size (lower normal range, I’d say). Be careful not to slip into the underweight area.

If you worry about body fat/body shape, sport is the solution.

2 years ago

I can’t find anything unhealthy about your diet, always depends on the amount…. But I don’t think the portions will have been too big, because you weigh a little bit. You want to keep your weight? or increase?

2 years ago

Excellent, if I find a very good compilation, I should do that.

2 years ago

You weigh significantly too little and your food is Naja, healthy but a lot to low calorie

2 years ago

In my opinion, a good to very good selection.