EScooter unter 14 Jahren fahren?
Guten Tag. Unser 12 jähriger Sohn wünscht sich zu Weihnachten einen EScooter da seine Freunde auch einen haben aber wir sind uns sehr unsicher wie das Versicherungstechnisch aussieht.. Wir sind uns bewusst das EScooter erst mit 14 gefahren werden dürfen und wir sind uns auch die Strafe bewusst wenn die Polizei ihn anhält. Unsere Sorge ist eher was passiert wenn er einen Unfall verursacht. Der Scooter ist Aufjedenfall versichert jedoch ist er noch nicht 14. Zahlt die Versicherung den Schaden denn trotzdem? LG
You’re aware what punishment threatens when the police stop him? This is exciting… Because for driving under 14 there is no danger of sanction for several reasons:
So much for the legal background knowledge that is supposed to exist.
My conviction is that the insurance will not replace damage, and that is right. Because the age limit was not determined for free. If one fails, one creates an unnecessary increase in the moment of danger.
Factically, it will look like the insurance pays for the first time, but the money will get back civilianly. This can be an expensive fun.
Thinking is “Fehl am Platz” in some parents. They are mostly fully aware of their “dustness” when it is already too late.
Please? Your son is only 12. But will you drive a scooter? You’re not serious? And you’ve been aware that there can be trouble when the police catch him?
That’s what they call irresponsible! I can only join my previous speakers: There’s a good reason why you can’t drive those e-scooters under 14. Everything else would be a crime and irresponsible.
But thinking seems to be “Fehl am Platz” in some parents!
Theft is also a crime. And what happens to children under 14 if they do it anyway? Nix. Except a little “mimimi, that was evil…”.
They know that too.
It’s been a long time to reduce the offense to 12.
But putting children on a bike with 8 years and driving in public space is responsible because it is not forbidden?
From my point of view, a 12-year-old is quite able to use such a companion safely. At least as safe as a bicycle, which can reach even higher speeds.
The discrepancy in the regulations between bicycle and electric scooter is far too high.
Apart from that, unfortunately, it is simply legally risky to let the son go with it, but by no means irresponsible when it comes to safety.
If he goes under 14, he is not criminal, but he would be liable for damage. Although an insurance would regulate the damage of a third party, it would take him in full regression. He would have been in debt for his life.