escooter flucht?

ich hab mit einer freundin getrunken und gekokst und wir sind von der polizei zu 2. auf dem eroller weggefahren dann haben sie uns aber geschnappt ich war aber nur hinten auf dem roller bin grad auf der wache dürfen die bei mir einen drogentest durchführen? bitte um antwort

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1 year ago

You can and should refuse the quick test. The quick test (wiss or urine test) anyway draws a correct test with blood withdrawal if the positive is, even if it is false-positive, but the quick test cannot be used as a court-proof proof that only goes with a real test. However, this right test can only be ordered if you are an accused person in an investigation procedure, you must be taught as an accused person beforehand. In order to open up an investigation procedure, there is a sufficient initial prospect, but this could be done.

Long speech short sense: quick test refuse, correct test after teaching can then follow possibly. But you don’t have to actively participate, the voluntary quick test is for the bucket and you can save it, you don’t do a favor with it and you can’t relieve yourself. Denying the quick test is not a guilt confession.

Furthermore, do not provide any information on the matter. Nothing you say or do can help you.

1 year ago

Yes, smell them. You can ask for a drug test. You can do that or not. You can only be forced after a judicial decision.

1 year ago
Reply to  Easygoing775

If you refuse, they’ll take you to the hospital for blood collection.

1 year ago
Reply to  W18J66

And they shall bring him, even if he does not refuse;) That’s why he can refuse.

1 year ago
Reply to  W18J66

It’s just a judicial decision.

1 year ago

He’ll be handed over.

1 year ago

Participation in quick tests is voluntary.

1 year ago

Yes, they can. You’ve threatened road traffic

1 year ago
Reply to  Cocolinski

Anyone who drank alcohol or consumed drugs and by bicycle, scooter, or, or drives, endangers road transport

1 year ago

Sure, they can, fortunately – so that people like you can get out of traffic.