ESC – NIMH oder LIPO Akku egal?
Hallo zusammen, ich bin auch dem Gebiet RC relativ neu. Daher entschuldigt bitte diese – vermutlich dumme – Frage. 😉
Ich benötige einen 80A ESC mit Wasserkühlungs-Anschluss für ein Modell-RC-Boot mit 3660 Motor (2600KV). Bei Aliexpress bin ich auch fündig, allerdings steht hier in der Beschreibung nur:
“Bidirectional Water-cooled80A 2-6s UBEC 5A 5V”
Ich würde aber gerne einen 7,2V NimH Akku verwenden. Ist das in diesem Fall egal, oder ist der ESC in diesem Fall ungeeignet?
So that’s not an ESC but a UBEC. This is made of 2-6s (7,4-22,2 V) 5V for servo and receiver. If you’re looking for an ESC, look at this: that should be about what you’re looking for.
Thanks for the hint.
The description says “Bürstenlos ESC with UBEC for RC Boot”. What does this mean in the context?
I’ve seen the ESC you were linking, but I’ve seen Ali. It costs 38 €. Otherwise, I would definitely take it.
Okay, so if it’s in the description that it’s an ESC, it’ll be already. To get back to your question: Whether Lipo or Nimh doesn’t matter. If there’s only such a tension.
I have to say honestly that I don’t know the brand. The ESC should be very good
I’ll still believe the ESC you recommended. It costs 10 € more compared. It’s probably a bit more valuable than the absolute No name ESC.
Any conventional controller can be programmed, and it is also possible to program which battery type is connected, often also the number of cells.
You just have to ask (let): What kind of nickel battery do you want to do that? 80 amperes of current, which nickel cells can do that at all?
Even with a lipo battery, it’s a number. EIn battery 2200 mAh, which may have a (specified) load of 20C or 30C. This means that a maximum of 44 amperes or 66 amperes can be loaded. However, these Max-C values are absolute maximum values which lead to an extreme load on the batteries.
That’s the point again. As a beginner, I lack the knowledge to assess this. I was merely referring to the information given by the author of the model. It is a model whose “case” is printed with a 3D printer itself. A 3660 Brushless motor with 2600 KV is later operated.