ESC 2024 – Wie empfindet ihr den Song Contest?
Heute läuft das 2. Halbfinale. 2024 im ESC.
Wofür steht der ESC für euch?
Heute läuft das 2. Halbfinale. 2024 im ESC.
Wofür steht der ESC für euch?
Was glaubt ihr wer gewinnt?
Wo bekommt mein ein Adapter für Irland her in Deutschland? Also ich denke, dass bekommt man nicht einfach in Media Markt oder so haha. Habt ihr da irgendwelche Ideen, wo man sowas herbekommen könnte in Deutschland?
Hey C: , ich würde gerne im Februar auf das Ateez Konzert in Berlin gehen. Ich wohne jedoch 6 Stunden entfernt. Genug Geld für ein Ticket hab ich und theoretisch könnte mich bestimmt mein Vater fahren (er muss tanken nicht bezahlen) und er hat auch familie in Berlin (da könnt ich übernachten) aber das Konzert…
Und was bedeutet das ganz genau? Viele Künstler sprechen ja davon, bevor sie einen Song rausbringen
Ich habe letztens wieder Lust bekommen die ersten 4 Staffeln von die Drachenreiter von Berg anzuschauen. Ich meine damit die alten folgen wo auch noch die alte Zeichen Art verwendet wurde, kann mir jemand da sagen wo ich die gucken kann.
Moin, vielleicht weiß jemand mehr über das Thema. Aber sagt der Musikgeschmack wirklich aussagekräftig etwas über die Persönlichkeit aus? Ich z.B. höre viel Electronic Music, also Techno, EDM etc.. Laut einem Artikel von Brigitte müsste ich ja viel unter Menschen sein und eher dazu neigen ruppig mit meinen Mitmenschen umzugehen. Zitat: ,,bist du vermutlich viel…
I would like to clean up prejudices, namely with a fact check:
Politically, ESC was already often. It simply belongs to it, I do not understand why this is such a big problem.
The first German ESC winner could win with a political message “A little peace” – that means Germany is in debt!
Eurovision has the musical & cultural diversity, where many states are involved. The ESC is not completely non-political.
2024: The Netherlands, a song about Europe and the European Union, blocked for scandal.
Or Serbia: Song Ramonda, about the resurrected flower, it should remember the First World War.
Also the Ukraine becomes the scapegoat. Because they allegedly won with Jamala and 2022 with Kalush only because of politics, which is wrong!
192 points of the jury
439 points of the audience
The callers have so decided, so the choice was fair.
If for Ukraine most people have called, what do you want to do about it?
The other participants did not feel unfairly treated. On the contrary, they were DA FOR that Ukraine wins!
KNOW? Let’s look at the ESC winners of recent years:
2023 Sweden: Loreen – Tattoo
Reasons for profit:
2022 Ukraine: Kalush Orchestra – Stefania
Reasons for profit:
2021 Italy: Måneskin – Zitti e buoni
Reasons for profit:
2019 Netherlands: Duncan Laurence – Arcade
Reasons for profit:
2018 Israel: Netta – Toy
Reasons for profit:
2017 Portugal: Salvador Sobral – Amar pelos dois
Reasons for profit:
2016 Ukraine: Jamala – 1944
Reasons for profit:
2015 Sweden : Måns Zelmerlöw – Heroes
Reasons for profit:
And so on.
There are no general criteria for good or bad music, so this is completely subjective. You cannot decide on others
Yes, unfortunately. This superficial, blunt song was kind of cool.
Jamala was especially strong from the singing performance!
Okay, I didn’t know. Nevertheless, think that the political sympathy for Ukraine has contributed significantly.
Not necessarily. But you can already roughly arrange whether the music is creative or whether only known ingredients have been copied. The Israeli contribution 2023 was, for example, totally superficial. Netta was just funny. humorously implemented.
I’m looking at the ESC or something because I’m having fun. I don’t like a lot of songs, but there are still enough strong pieces. It’s worth it.
Ukraine 2022: You have given her the victory as a stance that was communicated so regularly in advance and also influenced the vote accordingly. Give zero points to Ukraine, an unding and he would have been boycotted.
The ESC has always had something political, but it was different from today.
It is a difference whether someone sings at the high time in the Cold War and the nuclear weapons upgrade of peace and hope, or whether, for political reasons, one wants to exclude Russian and Belarusian singers and at the same time establish a social attitude, through Queer flags, texts or certain stage presence (men in women’s clothes and women makeup, creepy satanist figures, concrete etc.). That’s all political. On the other hand, the ESC Committee vehemently recalls that the ESC is political, because music and culture are above politics and should connect people together – double moral.
My answer is a little late. Nevertheless, I would like to write some thoughts about my view of the ESC.
During the ESC, as has been more often in the past few years, have been with a friend. I’ve known them since childhood days and we’ve always liked to talk about music. For a few years we have been commenting on the song contest. And this is great fun, because of course we are also often funny about something. Or find one or the other bad that is good, and that is also different.
Although I often have to get excited (but still try not to take this whole thing seriously), I still see the ESC as a music competition. Of course, it knows that political influence is great. For me, there are always a few songs that I like, and for me there are other winners than for the public. I always download a few songs or get to know new artists. You can’t lose anything by looking at the ESC, just win. But you can’t take it seriously.
I haven’t looked at it for many years because too much show is there. Further, it is only presented in English. It was originally presented in the country language.
In the first line was, and remains the ESC musical competition. This is not only for me, but generally because simple factas long as music is made and sung there!
The ESC THE Included in Diversitybecause during the ESC days various musical styles, Languages, Cultures and Population groups come together.
For the audience is the ESC of course also entertainment; what else to say would be bullshit.
So! In this context, the Commission is proposing to the Council a proposal for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to cosmetic products. JEDE international event with a wide range now the problem of being abused frequently as a platform for opinion and political self-incensations. The ESC is here by far none Exception. Strangely, however, you get only at ESC so massively over it. Politization, corruption, human rights violations etc. at Olympic Games or a football World Cup not interested in the bean, everyone is naturally sticking to the glott. But woe, at the ESC someone sings peace, keeps a rainbow flag up or a participating country can easily be attacked with weapons… 🤡 DaS gEhT nAtÜrLiCh GaAaAAR NiChT && DeR ESC GeHöRt BoYkOtTiErt!!! 🤡
Sorry, but the hypocrisy can’t be pushed to the top!
Right. But it is often political when it comes to devoting points. It’s good that the spectators are allowed to vote.
Yes, but as colorful as it is shown, this does not represent the actual society.
Yeah, you’re right. But you should not deny that it is also political. And some pretend to be unpolitic. These are not the songs, even though they should be official.
A competition of unculture. If I see the guys there, I’ll be fine. Back to the origin of the event that was still normal.
The common look of the contest is an important annual ritual in the family.
The claims have fallen deep?
It is sad to see what has become of it
Not even competition. Countries that are green push points and the unloved come to the last places. So it’s more like a high school ball of the countries.
Unfortunately, I have often observed this phenomenon.
Didn’t look at it, it’s a waste of electricity.
This is more entertaining
The competition is as politically charged as never before! It is, in my opinion, a scandal that Israel is allowed to participate this year, although before the present song, two songs have already been swept away by Israel, as they were too political!
No one can think about it. Belarus was disqualified for this reason in 2021 (1 political song was already enough), but with Israel you press 2 (!) Close your eyes.
Moreover, it cannot be that an Israeli journalist harasses other participants (
and the press from other countries (Spain) feels threatened by them! (
I demke the musicians are the ones who can least for all that. xD
For me, the ESC is simply a European event with entertainment value. Anyone who sees the song Contest as a serious competition can only be disappointed.
Very good entertainment. I don’t like most of the moderation, especially in the finale, Barbara Schöneberger’s nerves. But the musical contributions are quite entertaining.
Well, as often as Germany does not win;)
I never look at the German Pre-Decision, in Austria I have been selected internally for years and find the Sanremo Festival really exciting from the pre-rounds, as I like to watch all week – but this is a big event where the ticket for the ESC is not the main reason for participating.
And as I said, the ESC is simply entertainment. The moderation at the event itself is often also quite amusing, for example one of the Swedish moderators is already doing the job for the third time and has been highly moderated in 2016 as I find!
I have a minimal claim to the music. And if a post only shows sexy dances, that’s not enough for me at all.
I can’t even be friends with the contribution – I mean, I’m a prudent feminist, but that doesn’t hit my taste!
I don’t have a problem with a laugh, but you can’t even laugh about it.
The Austrian contribution seems too much to focus on female attractiveness. Works sometimes. But I found the song too weak. Even if Eurodance can be quite cool.
Yeah, you’re right again. I don’t think this colourful in the liberal sense is bad, but it’s also a bit superficial.
I don’t know both. Basically, I don’t care who tells anything, it’s entertaining!
I’ve never been able to hear the voice from the Schöneberger. And also visually I never found them appealing. This is where Ricardo Simonetti and Olivia Jones were active. I find a trail to exaggerate with gender diversity.
Well, on Tuesday Conchita came to word, today mainly Cesár Sampson and Zoë Straub – all three more pleasant than the Schöneberger 😉
Moderiert or commented on everything from Andi Knoll, that was the one who in 2014 “now has won the Shas” in the live broadcast, that speaks for him I would say!
🤣I bet your stuff actually has a little more quality.
As an Ösi I save the German forerunner, we have our own!
Yes, but the forerunner to the final is always moderated by her. I have seen German pre-decision so far three times. And I’m 39.
I can’t say to the Swedish moderator.
Music is only at the edge, which is also reflected in the quality of the contributions…
Somehow everything – somehow nothing.
I don’t look at this, but I listen to the songs that have become famous. They’re not winners without reason.
So for me he offers a way to learn new songs.
Israel wins
Just because you German cut off so badly every year. xD
Interested me zero coma zero
Such contributions are also welcome.
A cheerful fun!
I think ESC is ridiculous. Winning will be the most gay, the most anti-Russian or otherwise the mainstream is moderately inclined. This freak show has nothing to do with music. Countries are also not in Europe. I can’t take this show seriously
Yeah, I can understand your argument. Sometimes I feel like it. But as someone who has been busy with a lot of music, I can say that about 25% of the songs are creative and musically useful.
Meeting summarized 👍
Complete bullshit, meaningless event without relevance.
Yes, Israel is neither on the continent of Europe nor in the EU, what is that supposed to be?
Well, everyone can join us as part of Eurovision. That’s why Australia has already been involved. But for political reasons, one can now doubt Israel’s participation.
I take this with the EU as a Swiss person now
Jaa is still in Europe
…and not even good.
How so beautiful writes: