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Mutter erpresst mich?
Hallo, meine Mutter meint, mich gängeln und drillen zu müssen. Sie hat genug Geld, drückt aber jeden Monat nur super wenig Unterhalt ab. Sie erpresst mich damit und will mich leiden sehen. Ich habe die Schnauze voll und überlegt, den Kontakt wieder abzubrechen. Was denkt ihr?
nicht frei fühlen?
Weil man ständig die Erwartungen von anderen Menschen erfüllen muss.
Zu dumm für die Schule?
Wen man die Hauptschule nicht packt, muss man dann auf eine Behindertenschule?
Eternal life is not desirable.
We all will experience this process. Some people want to die because they don’t get clear with this world, some want to live a beautiful life and go through it without knowing that death is at some point very close.
What do you think we all have to die? And as loud as you whisper around, you might even be a little more
We all have to, but not enjoy life today.
Nothing would be more terrible than eternal life.
Search for YT: “KNORKATOR – We will (OFFICIAL VIDEO)” You experience the reality in Word & Film.
You’ll live for a long time.
You don’t have to die.
Whoever accepts Jesus Christ dies not, but has eternal life.
What do you have to do? Scrubbing you? We only had the discussion about it. Find yourself with your parents Medical help
You could live your life.
From Allah we come and to Allah we return
Sympathetic name
Allah knows?