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Then definitely a Sativa Strain. It looks more euphoric than it pushes you into the couch
Edit: a “sativa lasting street”
Every street is a sativa street. There is no cannabis indica.
What’s my fault?
And this helps against muscle pain?
Since Lubitz12321 is right until you find something suitable, nothing remains to be tried and it also affects every person.
Try a Strain that would be described with as 70% sativa / 30% indica ^^^
The Micha (Knodt) has already referred to the nonsens of the Indica/Sativa classification 5 years ago this 1 year old video,
What *Indica* and *Sativa* mean… (
Okay, thanks.
There you find left to studies that confirm your statement.
You are here in the category Drugs and not Botany;)
Isn’t that what a lobby association with botanical taxonomy should have at the hat?
Habs grad also read the page from the German hemp association that there is no method to classify an Indica
Okay. Then I correct my statement and do not recommend to the questioner a variety called “Indica genetics”.
Just because ‘Indica’ has prevailed as a slang in the cannabis scene, it does not mean that cannabis indica is a species.
Actually, you would have to give me the paper, authors etc that prove the existence of cannabis indica as a valid way. There are no evidence for the non-existency of IRGENDWAS.
But I’m so nice and give you a video
Yeah, that’s not a source.
Each Seedbank has Indica genetics, even up to 90%-100%, half the world incl. I’m talking about Sativa and Indica… ruderalis you already know… and now you say it’s not validated.
Where can I read this?
Cannabis indica was never a valid way, it was never described.
Within the genus Cannabis there are two valid species, one is cannabis sativa, the other cannabis ruderalis.
Take care of me
In choosing your source
Muscle pain is not an indication of the use of cannabis.
Cannabis is only able to alleviate some chronic pain forms, but no acute pain such as abdominal pain, tooth pain, wound pain or muscle pain.
Tiredness after cannabis use is often a consequence of frequent inhalation. Try one, a maximum of two trains and reduce tobacco to the extender.
No, there are more than 20,000 varieties and more than one that meets your requirements. You just have to find her.
Thanks, but have 0 % interest in experiments
Then you won’t find the right variety.
The 20,000 varieties mentioned are predominantly “non-medical cannabis”.
Medical cannabis varieties are much less than consumption varieties.
Medical varieties differ from “normal grass” :
Medical cannabis is standardized, i.e. has the same active substance contents for years.
It is grown under controlled and hygienic conditions.
It is examined for pests or fungi.
Not rare is med. Cannabis irradiated before packaging to kill possible germs.
Medical cannabis must also be tested by the patient for compatibility; i.e. usually you have to experiment before you find the right variety.
There are no medical cannabis types. Bzw as good as the complete med. Cannabis from Canada are filthy varieties that you also get in dispensary, only with more restrictions on hygiene and ingredients.
There are only 4 medical grades from NL of Bedrocan. There are some cannabis from Aphria and Demecan.
So many? Should you try them like good teas?
No. That’s why I ask