Es gibt Mystery Boxen die sind versiegelt wie auf dem Bild und wiederum die NICHT versiegelt sind.. sind in dem versiegelt teure Waren drinne 🤔🤔🤔?

Oder ist das ein psychologischer Trick, damit die Leute denken, in dem versiegelten ist was teures drin und sie es kaufen obwohl im unversiegelten bessere Ware drin ist ???

Und Kommentare wie = Da ist eh nur Müll drin, dass würde ich nicht kaufen bla bla bla interessiert mich nicht

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1 month ago

There are no Mystery Boxes.

Boxing is a sport, a fist struggle, or an agility.

A disgrace is a word that does not exist in English or has a different meaning. Like boxes,Standing Ovations,Handy,Oldtimer,Smoking.

The majority of boxes do not call boxes.Also not a box,two boxes,three boxes.

There are Mystery Boxes. You don’t know what’s in it before, whether closed or not.

On an earlier workstation it was similar.There were mysterious bags to buy with clothes.Untransparent and locked.You could have luck and there was something that pleases you and fits you or there were only unusable things.

The buyers or interested parties are supposed to believe that there is something high quality in the closed box.

1 month ago

Maybe it’s just that the sealed were less stable and was additionally protected, but I don’t know exactly