Es gibt die Atemmuskulatur die die Lunge und den Brustkorb dehnen lässt?

Beim einatmen weitet die Muskulatur die Lunge und den Brustkorb damit Sauerstoff/luft eingeatmet werden kann und beim ausatmen geht die Lunge und der Brustkorb wieder zusammen und es kommt Kohlendioxid raus oder? Bereits eingeatmetes Sauerstoff kommt nicht wieder als Sauerstoff raus, oder?

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2 months ago

Hello raspberry722,

how much oxygen is absorbed via the lung vein depends on the respective partial pressure of the carbon dioxide in the blood. If more carbon dioxide is present in the blood, more of it is discharged into the lung for exhalation and the blood is thus less saturated with it.

It is therefore causally related to the breathing mechanism itself, but it is rather a product of chemical reactions and just the release of carbon dioxide by the exhalation and the binding of oxygen to the hemoglobin in our blood during inhalation.

The air mixture in the lung is therefore always somewhat saturated with oxygen and somewhat with carbon dioxide.

The breathing mechanism runs over the diaphragm and the auxiliary breathing muscle and is physical. The transition of the respective molecules is rather chemical.

I hope I could help you.

Best regards


2 months ago

A gas mixture is in each case inhaled and exhaled as is present in the atmosphere air. The inhaled air differs only slightly.

2 months ago

Yes, it is not the complete oxygen used in the lungs

2 months ago
Reply to  Himbeere722

Yes, that too

2 months ago
