It's a frenum piercing. Do you need an erection for that?

I'm planning on getting a frenum piercing. My question is, does my penis have to be erect for this?
Or is it enough in a flaccid state? I have a bloody penis, and I'm worried it might be too small to get pierced.

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3 months ago

Most piercers will get you out if you get an erection. An erection is unnecessary and undesirable during piercing.

Greetings from Andrea from Dortmund (Piercerin & Bodymodderin since 1989)

3 months ago

No! Of course, it becomes quite clear in the slept state…. it would also be counterproductive to do so in the excited state, since blood is in the swelling body (the penis) and it would lead to severe bleeding.

In size you don’t have to make a head, that’s what the piercer/the piercerin can estimate.

I also have a blood pen and my piercerin can estimate this very well or you can also measure it roughly.

3 months ago

No, he doesn’t have to be excited. It is even better to pierc the penis in the sleeping state. I speak from my own experience

3 months ago

You don’t need an erection at Piercen, just stay relaxed.