Didn’t manage to get your extended secondary school diploma?
Hey. I was accepted to the BBS Gymnasium (high school for business) before I even graduated, which requires the advanced exam, but I didn't get it. What now?
Hey. I was accepted to the BBS Gymnasium (high school for business) before I even graduated, which requires the advanced exam, but I didn't get it. What now?
Heyy, I have a question: What kind of average do you need if you want to skip a grade at the halfway point? (In Baden-Württemberg) For example, from 8th to 9th grade. vlg
Hello 🙂 I'm currently training to be a kindergarten teacher, and this week I'd like to introduce the children (in a daycare center – all participating children are about 2 years old) to a new finger game as an educational activity. The current theme is "winter," which is why I've chosen the following finger game:…
Hello. As far as I know, if you apply for vocational high schools under the BewO (BewO), you have to submit an application form from the BewO (BewO), a mid-year report card (certified copy), a tabular CV with a recent passport photo (and the elective sheet) for first priority. What about 2nd priority and 3rd…
Hello, I was surprisingly accepted to study abroad, which I would really like to start. However, I still have to demonstrate knowledge of physics at Abitur level and take an exam on May 23rd. I didn't take any physics in high school, so I don't really have any prior knowledge. Math was a while ago…
Hello, is it possible to get a scholarship in America? I'm interested in psychology, teaching, and business administration. I'm getting my Fachabitur (university entrance qualification) this summer and currently have a GPA of 1.2 or 1.3. If that doesn't work out, I can get a scholarship with that GPA if I have a subject-specific university…
Du hast hoffentl. einen Plan B. Ich hatte mich damals gleichzeitig mit dem berufl. Gymnasium auch bei einem vergleichbaren Berufskolleg beworben, wo die Anforderungen etwas niedriger sind, aber man danach nicht alles studieren darf.
Falls du keinen Plan B hast: Sofort schauen was für eine Ausbildung dir gefallen könnte und bei welchen Firmen du dich dafür nich bewerben kannst. Ggf. auch bei der IHK/HWK schauen und auf den Firmen-Webseiten bzw. Job-Suchportalen sowieso.
Im Zweifelsfall landest du im BVJ. Da willst du aber nicht wirklich hin.
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