Erstes mal selbst verletzt, ist es schon zu spät aufzuhören?
Ich habe mich vorhin mit einem rasierer selbst verletzt, keine tiefen schnitte, hat jemand tipps wie ich nicht in die versuchung komme es wieder zu tun?
Ich weiß noch nichtmal so wirklich warum ich das gemacht hab, dachte ich würde mich besser fühlen, ist das bei meisten leuten der erste gedanke?
You can stop at any time. And you can keep going anytime.
I’d be hurt to stop with myself.
You say that there was chaos in your head. And the cut was, so to speak, a kind of valve to let off steam.
So I would suggest two things:
1. Treat the symptom at short notice, so look for another valve to leave steam where you do not hurt yourself or others.
Two. Treating the cause in the long term, so look where did the mess come from in the head? If there was a trigger, you’re under stress, you can’t talk to people about your feelings, you’re trapped in an unhealthy situation, whatever… locating triggers and then changing the situation for positive or Remove triggers.
Sounds reasonable, right?
And there’s still a need for the telephone care if you need someone to be bullshit. They should know what to do. They know each other. They’re helping. They’re here for that.
Heyy, so if the urge gets worse, there are different skills that can help you, but you have to look for yourself what fits. So, for example, you make a hair gum to the wrist and so, “again strapped”; Take ice cubes in the hand (don’t hold too long), eat sharp chips (although not so many), shower ice cold, squeeze or roll in the hand and there are also massage rings for the finger (which is also not bad and would be more inconspicuous in the public).
Because you mean you don’t know exactly what you’ve done and that so mess is in your head, in some it helps to write up what’s going through your head at the moment or what’s going on that day (even if you can’t say it so concretely). It can also help to arrange or find out what the more exact problems are and if you can write zb on your phone, no one can read except you.
I also know such impulses from my youth and puberty.
In the end, the blushing has brought me nothing, except that I subsequently felt psychologically worse.
As long as you do not feel the urge for it and then feel more alive, it should probably be a one-time, possibly twice thing.
However, if the urge grows and the relief/living afterwards, you should inform yourself urgently with your family, friends, family doctor or professionals.
There’s no time.
And what you could do, I don’t really know. Contact friends if there is urge. Or to family members who do not address this, but somehow lead small talk etc. Mainly positive distraction.
No it’s not too late
I understand you very much, but please don’t make it any more that can develop into a search and get worse
Please talk to someone if you do it again and really can’t stop
That’s all I’m sorry for, but I hope I could help you
Use all your energy to eliminate the scars.