Erstes mal fliegen?
Hallo liebe Community,
nächstes Jahr fliege ich das allererste mal. Und zwar nicht mit meiner Familie, sondern auf Konzertreise mit dem Chor.
Und da hätte ich halt ein paar Fragen:
- Was wird da so am Flughafen vor dem Abheben gemacht?
- Darf man während des Fluges mobile Daten anhaben? Oder gibt es Flieger WLAN?
- Was gibt es im Flieger für Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten?
- Wie läuft die ganze Sache mit dem Gepäck ab?
Wenn mir noch Fragen einfallen, ergänze ich sie.
Danke, dafür dass ihr euch Zeit für meine Frage nehmt.
Arrived at the airport, first go to the check-in desk. To which you have to go (which are numbered), you can read on a display panel if you look at your flight destination. On this switch, you give off your task baggage (if you have one) and get your board card. That’s where you’re on the plane and where you have to go. Then you come through the security check where you and your hand luggage are checked for dangerous items. Then you can go to your gate and wait for the call of your flight.
During the flight you can read, write, watch a movie or listen to music.
When the plane has landed, you get your baggage from the baggage and go to the exit.
Nope. If you check in online and do not have a task baggage you do not need to check in switches.
Films can also not be seen in short distances, monitors are only available on long distances. Except you look at your own phone/tablet.
You wait in the departure hall on the boarding your baggage will be invited to the luggage room, in the airplane there is something to eat
If you only have hand luggage, nothing is invited. And not in every plane there’s something to eat.
Yes, there is something to eat in every flyer, but with cheap flyers it costs extra.
That’s not what it says.