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2 months ago

Bite dizziness occurs, but is a pleasant dizziness. Not nausea.

2 months ago

Hi Johanna5866, 👋

I’d like to try it out. But be very afraid of symptoms such as dizziness or nausea.

these symptoms you get

only through a nicotineoverdose,

So only too much nicotine!

Does that happen if you never have?

No, just from 👉to much nicotine.

From PG, VG, or food aromas can

you don’t get these symptoms.

Is nicotine a poison?

O. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard-Michael Mayer

Head of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Humboldtstraße 46/I, A-8010 Graz, Austria



Due to the marketing of novel nicotine-containing products as a less harmful alternative to tobacco cigarettes, the effects of nicotine are currently of great social and political interest. Mostly, nicotine is a nervary. From what has been said so far, this statement is meaningless from a toxicological point of view, because there are no poisons but only doses of poisons. It is, however, the question of whether nicotine should generally be referred to as poison, i.e. an “unconditional poison” in the sense of Kobert.

Both in smoking and in the consumption of novel nicotine-containing products, for example the so-called electronic cigarettes, the absorbed dose of nicotine causes a stimulation of certain receptors on nerve cells and thus imitates the action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This is not a “gift effect” but the imitation of an endogenous principle of action with positive effects on the organism, which causes smokers to consume this substance for life and even to accept the well-known harmful, sometimes even fatal effects of tobacco smoke. In the case of usual dosage, effects predominate on the central nervous system, especially the improvement of cognitive functions, such as learning, memory and concentration.

👉When overdose causes nicotine

known side effects such as

nausea, vomiting, dizziness and


Blocking the function of nerve cells, i.e. the action as a nerve poison, requires very high dosage, which is achieved only by swallowing or intravenous administration corresponding to large amounts than bolus. This neurotoxic effect is based on inactivation of voltage-dependent Na+ channels by permanent depolarization of the nerve cells.

To summarize, we can therefore observe that nicotine is not a poison in scientific sense, because there is no “gift in itself” but also in general language use is not to be called “gift”, because it has positive effects in usual dosage and the “gift effect” occurs only when there is massive overdose, which is only achieved by misuse.

In principle, when reporting in the media on so-called harmful substances or toxins in the environment or in food, we should not be content with the reference to their presence but should always question the detected quantities and doses of exposure. The same applies, by the way, to the “insubstantiality” of nicotine frequently referred to as a pro-nicotin argument in nightshade plants such as potatoes or tomatoes. Potatoes contain approx. 2 mg nicotine per 1000 kg, of which about 20%, i.e. 0.4 mg, would be absorbed by the organism and passed into the blood.

LG 🙋🏻

2 months ago

It’s like alcohol. You cook when it’s too much.

What is different from alcohol is that the burr is between too much and too little quite narrow. In the beginning, you can come from “I feel nothing yet” to “me’s bad for an hour”. If you smoke or steam too quickly, then you can break because you miss the moment to stop. Two tips for the beginning: If you smoke/vapor with others, never draw more often than them, but less often, because the others are more tolerated than you.

And if you mean that was a few trains, you feel something, but a train would be nice, then don’t take the train or only after 1 hour break.

Overall: If you don’t like it, just don’t do it. It’s healthier.

2 months ago

Does that happen if you never have?

Can happen.

Just avoid strong trains and steam with as little nicotine as possible, then the side effects should keep within the framework.


Just leave it completely, mM is the best option

2 months ago
Reply to  Johanna5866

S. my answer….

2 months ago
Reply to  Johanna5866

varies from person to person

2 months ago

Your body will potentially respond. This can then cause symptoms. If you don’t have a bock on it in the long term, do it best.

2 months ago
Reply to  Lass228


the body does not react potentially to vaporize, but with symptoms to Overdose of nicotine❗️

2 months ago

Why are you renaming this fashion trend??? I’d rather smoke normal cigarettes, and vapen looks really stupid. And cigarettes also taste much better.

2 months ago
Reply to  sassi14915

I’d rather smoke normal cigarettes,

Why do you think too extreme 🦀

👺harmful👹🦀 Smoking❓

And that, although the FS don’t smoke

wants and did not ask for it

Moreover, vapen looks really stupid.

No, it doesn’t. smoking

more stupid.

And cigarettes also taste much better.

😖 Igitt, no … taste cigarettes

not at all. That’s what you make

as extremely addictive, taboo-dependent

Smokers. Cigarettes taste

& just stink. 😖

2 months ago

How old are you