Erstes Mal Alkohol, wie viel?
Servus, ich bin in 3 Monaten 18, bin 1,76 m und 53 kg und hab bisher noch nie Alkohol getrunken, würde aber gerne heute mal was trinken. Hab leider nur Vodka, 37,5 Prozent, und würde das gern mit Orangensaft mischen. Wie viel sollte ich trinken um bisschen angetrunken zu sein?
Wodka is certainly not the drink of choice to the beginning.
Tanks and get 1-2 bottles of beer is not an option?
Otherwise, I would dilute strongly and drink slowly. You don’t necessarily notice it immediately and you’ll drink beyond the point.
With your weight, 2-3 shots (0.04L), after at least 6 you should be completely hacked.
The poles always drink shots and orange juice (without vodka) from a large glass to rinse. I feel more comfortable because alcohol doesn’t taste shit. Also mixed.
Don’t drink too much once you feel nothing. That’s gonna come. Alcohol takes up to an hour until it’s completely in the blood.
Feel it. Drink for the first time 2-3 and wait a bit. You realize when it gets too much.
Always drink enough water
Starting with schnapps for the first time, however, is really not advisable…
mish 1:2 (vodka:o-juice) and then drink cup or two
Even I wouldn’t recommend Vodka to you, but not to drink alcohol.