Erstes Kapitel beim Buch?

Hallo, ich schreibe gerade ein Buch. Ich habe schon mir die Story ausgedacht, und auch die Personen (eigenschaften von den Personen, Ziele usw.). Ich habe aber das erste Kapitel vom Buch noch nicht angefangen. Ich weis einfach nicht wie ich anfangen soll. Ich möchte, dass noch nicht am Anfang etwas spannendes entlüftet wird. Kann mir jemand ein bisschen helfen? Habt ihr ein Buch geschrieben, wie habt ihr angefangen?

Ich schreibe das Buch mit den Personalen Erzähler.

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1 year ago

There is not one right way to start. What is important is that you are thinking about taking your readers into the world. If your reader at the end of the first chapter knows just as much as it already stands in the folder text, it’s bad for the first time.

Just write a first chapter where you think it’s fine as a start. You can still repair it when reworking.

Here are some points of reference, how to start:

  • You can start with an important event in the past. A good example is Harry Potter, where the first chapter of the first band reports how Harry came to the Dursleys. Then it’s a time jump and you’re moving in the “gent”.
  • You can first gently introduce your characters in which you begin the actual action and take the readers to the adventure chronologically. I’ll stay with the Harry Potter example: After the first chapter, you get to know Harry’s everyday life at the Dursleys. Then magic and hogwarts come into play, where the actual story finally plays.
  • You can start directly in the action. For example, at tributes from Panem Katniss, one could have placed immediately in the arena and then in the story, where and why she is right there, for example, by thinking about how her mother and sister is at home and that she is happy not to watch her sister in the arena. This has the advantage that the story begins very exciting, for which the characters in their homeland would be less illuminated.
  • As a further possibility, I still know not to chronologically tell the whole thing. An example would be Tschick. There the story begins after the adventure of the main character. He’s in the hospital and remembers how he landed there. The reader therefore knows from the beginning the result of the action and only learns the way there. This, however, makes it more difficult to build tension, because history is predictable.

What you definitely shouldn’t do would be to write chapters where the main character turns directly to the readers and presents itself. Especially on Wattpad you often find beginnings towards: “Hi, I am x and y years old.”
On the one hand, as a rule, only unimportant information is advised down, and on the other hand the reader is simply overloaded. At the moment he can’t remember everything because it’s too much at once. It is better to give information at the place where they become important.

1 year ago

I’ll throw the reader right into the cold water. In my current book, he’s thrown into a fight. A mother exhorts her daughter and since she is in puberty, escalates it and she does something unthinkable.

Voltage is very important at the beginning. You have to imagine: You are the reader. You stand in the bookstore (or wherever you are) and go to DIESEM book. There may be more than 1,000 books around you. But it’s DIESES, what you take in your hand! What are you doing? You read the folder. Sounds interesting, but you’re not sure yet, you open it and see the first side. You start reading the first sentences. It has to spark between the reader and your book! If that doesn’t happen, it’ll be put away again. So it’s with me. First cover! Then flap text, then the first page – if the book is not welded, which is usually not the case. (especially at Wattpad, Storyban etc. 😂)

Nobody likes boring introductions to a story he doesn’t know yet. You don’t have to understand everything, but it must be exciting and the reader must want to know how it goes on.

1 year ago

instead of asking you 100 questions, I recommend reading appropriate counselors. Writing is a craft you can learn.
Start to read 5 lines.

1 year ago

I usually start in a situation – so almost in the middle of a scene.