Erstes AutoMercedes SLK 200 Kompressor?
Wie ist eure Meinung dazu ein Mercedes SLK 200 Kompressor (1996) als erstes Auto zu nehmen?
Wie ist eure Meinung dazu ein Mercedes SLK 200 Kompressor (1996) als erstes Auto zu nehmen?
Bin schon seit längerer Zeit auf der Suche einer neuen Karre. Nebenbei beim Netflix gucken (Squid Game) habe ich auf AutoScout24 eine Mercedes S-Klasse gefunden die gefühlt alles an Ausstattung hat, die man nur haben kann. Ausserdem ist das Auto ca. 8000-10000€ zu günstig. Und das Auto steht in Italien. Bin auf eure Meinung mal…
Für mich sieht es aus, als hätte jemand beim ausparken da dran gestoßen .
Gerade rief mich mein Bruder an und fragt mich ob er einen dieser Wagen kaufen soll. Ich habe aber von deutschen Autos überhaupt keine Ahnung. Vielleicht kann ja hier ein “VW-Opel-Fachmann” etwas dazu sagen.
Hey mein Traum Auto ist ein Mercedes amg gt63 s. DAs ist ja ein sehr teueres Auto also Richtung 100.000€. Also welches Gehalt bräuchte man damit dieses Auto möglich wäre? Müsste man Arzt sein oder was LG Reptilemike
Ich frage nur, weil mir von einer Lackiererwerkstatt gesagt wurde, ich müsste es nicht melden… Folgendes total dämliches ist passiert: Auto ist seit September in meinem Besitz. Natürlich Vollkaskoversichert. Vor einigen Tagen habe ich unabsichtlich einen “schönen“ Kratzer die Seite unten entlang verursacht…😭 es bricht einem das Herz… Es ist ein reiner Lackschaden, muss nichts…
The base is a solid old C-class (W202), on which I had driven 287,000 kilometers on it until sale two weeks ago, without great problems and which is generally considered a permanent runner. With the W202, the old SLK also shares its vulnerabilities: He likes to rust and much, with the good care of the small roadsters often holding the fresco in the tide, to this end the track rod heads are all 90.-100.000 kilometers; Keys and locks are occasionally broken (e.g. 300 euros), and the differential likes to lose oil and the brake lines. All typical deficiencies of older Mercedes, nothing serious. The compressors are inconspicuous: I was much on the road in the Alt-Mercedes area and knows about the years of two compressor damage; one was a failure of the workshop and once it was a weathered CLK with over 350,000 kilometers, where it can happen from the age.
The M111 engine is technically very solid and digested with the highest running performance in normal maintenance, but with more than 200,000 kilometers a cylinder head seal can become leaky. Conceptual weaknesses are not technically possible, the hand circuits at Mercedes are a matter of taste – I have always liked automatic. In the old gears one has the feeling of constantly driving in the wrong gear; once the engine trembles in front of itself and then you miss the sixth gear on the road or highway, because the speed curve is too high and the engine is “singed” unpleasantly.
The entertainment is very costly within the framework of: Over the years, my average consumption was 8.33 liters of Super (E5) at 100 kilometers in the C-Class W202 from 1997, the SLK has the same technique and is similar. Spare parts are not expensive for Mercedes except for sheet metal parts.
Finally, I do not know why the old SLK should not be recommended for entry – if you find a good one and the price fits, it is worth considering. The used car prices are not expensive.
Make yourself happy.
Leave it. You can’t drive him and you can’t fix him. Both are necessary.
And why can’t I drive him?
This is a powerful car with a rear drive. Especially in the slippery season it is necessary to get used. If such a car breaks out in the curve, you should have some experience. ABS or other tools are not necessarily available there. So, happy..
You’re an exceptional driver. Great, congratulations.
Naja drove by car through half of Switzerland and was also on almost all passes towards Italy and Austria, where the roads had snow already in October-November and the roads were also slightly icy. Was not a problem, so don’t understand how you can judge my car driving and thus suggest that I can’t drive this car xD
Teuer I’m entertaining, and a “strong” hecktriebler is often not a good idea.
How expensive in maintenance?
that is a 25 years old car there will probably be one or other to repair
That doesn’t mean anything.
Consumption parts or rubbers and seals become brittle even with good maintenance.
I got the same on my car.
In addition, the Mercedes is not the cheapest in workshops and parts.
Is already clear but the vehicle is in good condition and is only used to drive to work for 2-4 years depending on
the KM stand is an ad in the tacho and more not.
there are more like enough beautiful KM stands
Mileage is 97000 and condition is also good
that can quickly become a costly story