Erstes auto und was brauch ich?

Zu allererst, ich und meine Mama hätten schon ein Auto was wir mir kaufen würden. Die Sache ist die, ich kenn mich nicht aus mit den ganzen anmelde Kram. Wie geh ich das ganze an? Außerdem habe ich meinen Führerschein noch nicht, ich bin aber gut dabei. In vielleicht zwei Monaten konnte ich fertig sein. Wenn wir das Auto jetzt schon kaufen und es noch nicht von mir gefahren werden kann, wie mach ich das mit den Versicherungen, muss ich da trotzdem schon dafür zahlen? Oder kann ich das in der Zeit noch irgendwo stehen haben bis ich fertig bin? Und ja, wir haben einen privat Parkplatz.

Gibt es etwas was ich beim Kauf beachten sollte?

Übrigens, würde ich jemanden kennen der sich damit auskennt, dann würde ich nicht fragen. Ich bitte euch also um richtige Antworten.

Dankeschön 🙂

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1 month ago

You better get someone who knows cars. There is an incredible amount of what to consider in cars. It wouldn’t really make sense if you didn’t have cars.

1 month ago

Basically, you should never go to a car purchase alone. Ideally, you have someone who or at least has something to know. It’s starting with that. On the one hand, this has the meaning of seeing more eyes, of course. Apart from that, you have a witness.

Then there’s nothing against buying a vehicle. You just have to remember that you can’t drive a meter. If you’ve found a vehicle and if that’s still allowed, you’ll have to worry about someone driving it.

And you don’t have to have a driving permit. You can. But as a starter to register a vehicle is relatively expensive. So talk to your mother. If she already has permission, you could then register your mother’s second vehicle.

1 month ago
Reply to  Laila826

I see. Anybody else?

1 month ago

Approval(registration) does not matter whether by mom or the shepherd. There are differences in insurance premiums.

1 month ago

Before buying a car, you and your mother should be trying to get a cheap insurance, not that you can no longer afford a fuel to drive the car afterwards!

1 month ago

If we already buy the car and can’t be driven by me, how do I do it with the insurance companies, do I have to pay for it anyway? Or can I still stand this somewhere in time until I’m done?

If you can only park the car on public grounds and soil, it must be registered. It must be insured for that. It’s irrelevant if you can drive with it or not.

1 month ago

The best thing is if you know someone who understands something about cars and knows it. I’d buy the car only if you got the FS in my hands. You can look around what’s going on for you.

A vehicle should not only be viewed externally but also from the inside of the bottom.

From Below in every corner! If the exhaust flaps or it is blown through. If there are fresh underfloor protection points, then something may be covered. With a small screwdriver.

From External, what about the gap dimensions, is it accident-free, has been repainted and why? Scratches or dents? Cabriolet: Is the top sealed and can close it properly. Hardtop? How long does the car have TÜV? What’s in the last TÜV report. Are the headlights, taillights and number plate lighting i.O. How old are the tires and how does the profile look? The shock absorbers are still i.O.

InteriorLook under the mats the floor is wet? Get your hands off me! How much Km ran? If there is little, the gearshift knob and the pedal rubber but strongly worn off is not true. Is the car checkbook maintained trunk clean and dry?

Engine, If the engine compartment is clean or oiled, engine full oil then the valve lid seal could be leaky. Screw and look at oil filler neck, there is gray oil slurry on it is probably the cylinder head seal defective, high cost. Control hoses on cracks. How has the car been driven, mostly short distances, land roads or a lot of highway, a mixture is best. When has the toothed belt/control chain been changed?

Then make a test drive, listen to if something is flapping, also brake strongly and test whether the ABS responds and whether the vehicle also brakes straight. If the engine takes the gas correctly and it runs quietly in the stand.

Buy if the dealer then only gives warranty from a SERIÖSEN dealer. In the case of private, also hold everything in the purchase agreement, as with the dealer.

Purchase contracts can be downloaded at ADAC and then printed out.

Good luck driving.

1 month ago

still standing somewhere

It’s just going on private ground. In public transport, the vehicle must be registered and insured.

1 month ago

don’t go there alone, take one with you who knows