Erstes Auto macht keinen „Spaß“ mehr?

Hallo Leute,

habe nun seit Mai 2021 mein erstes Auto, ein Opel Corsa E 2017. Das Fahren und der Zustand ist nicht das Problem, habe aber irgendwie das Gefühl, dass mir das Auto nicht mehr zu mir passt, geschweige denn mir Spaß macht. Das Auto hat noch einiges an Wert, also das ist nicht das Problem, aber spiele schon länger mit dem Gedanken mir einen älteren Benz oder BMW zu kaufen und dann nach 1 oder 2 Jahren zu wechseln, da der Corsa und die älteren Autos sich kaum was beim Preis der Versicherung oder Steuer nehmen.

Was würdet ihr mir raten?

Ist dieses „Denken“ bzw. Problem normal und ihr versteht es, oder würdet ihr mir raten, das Auto noch länger zu fahren und erst später zu verkaufen , bzw. zu fahren bis es kaputt geht?

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3 years ago

I did it in my youth too. I regret it today. That I have a thousand “smacked” because you never get what you really want as long as you’re young. I currently own my 2 main vehicles, which I have assembled and ordered as I wanted. This is only possible with new vehicles, and this is not for a few euros.

At some point, you’ll know what you need, until then I’d be happy with what you have.

3 years ago

me an older Benz

Is that an alternative?



Only by the way: as a convertible both type class 13 and are therefore quite favorable in insurance.

3 years ago

Yeah, I can understand if the car ride makes you happy. When I was young, it was important to me. In the meantime, I don’t care about the car, it must be reliable and affordable. Well, a bissl must pull it. 😉

You should only consider that the purchase price and insurance/tax is not the only one in terms of costs. With BMW and Benz, spare parts (brakes, tires…) are probably more expensive and possibly higher consumption.

Let yourself know how much fun and image profit are worth and whether you can afford it.

3 years ago

I would make it look what you get for the Corsa and depending on how satisfied you are with the price/performance at the Benz/BMW it makes sense.

I’ve been breaking my head for a year and I don’t even have a car, and even if I had one, I’d always see if there’s something better to get, so it’s normal.

3 years ago

You can browse old used BMWs on or even look older at dealers around the corner.

The idea is good, depends on what you now have for a budget, below 13,000€ you don’t get good BMWs.

3 years ago

I can understand that at that time, from nem lame and boring golf 3 went to an Alfa 147 GTA and the only one I regret is that I sold the Alfa again 😅

I would clearly tend to the BMW, more sporty, more performance, better engines, no owners or taxi image…

Drive your own E46 330Ci 😎👍

3 years ago

If you have 500/- a month left for some eventualities, it fits.