First World War?
Hello, was Mr. Lloyd George clueless and slow-witted?
I'll most likely be taking an exam (an impromptu, unannounced test) in history tomorrow. I'm in 8th grade at high school, but I don't quite understand what feudal rights are (we're currently studying the French Revolution). thank you ☺️
Is it called "Alt Deutschland"? I don't understand. Can someone help me?
So like many European countries and Japan.
I'm taking a history exam, and it says that knights fought feuds (small wars). In my notebook, it says that the Church tried to prevent it: more precisely, it says -> "Criticism + attempts to limit the fighting through calendars + diversion to elsewhere, namely the Crusades." Were feuds forbidden/illegal? If not, why did the…
My question is, does anyone know why this cartridge case looks so strange at the top? It's already been fired. LG Pascal
No, the Lord mentioned was a dedicated, predictive and wise, very experienced politician with human knowledge.
and what about Wilson? Was he?
Wilson was also a smart, predictive and ideological politician. Today’s UN was basically his idea!
Thank you for the great responses! One last question: did France have a certain dominance by Clemenceau in the Paris Conference?
Yes, because France and the UK should repay the war loans they have received from the USA. Germany has also received US loans in the 1920s to expand its economy.
Thank you. But has Europe become dependent on the USA due to war loans (1914). I would also be interested in this 🙂
France wanted Germany to weaken so much for a long time that France could not have overwhelmed either military or economic. According to harsh conditions, France has enforced a contract in the Versailler, including extensive territorial assignments and very high reparation services in Germany, which had to be paid for decades.
Thank you. If I had another question, I would be happy to answer it. My question is: how did France have a dominance with the French President Clemenceau in the Paris Conference?
Greeting, earnest