Erster Gynäkologen Termin?
Hallo ich bin 14 wann soll ich zum ersten mal zum Gynäkologen gehen
Hab seit 2 monaten meine Periode
Was wird da gemacht
Was schaut er oder sie sich an
Hallo ich bin 14 wann soll ich zum ersten mal zum Gynäkologen gehen
Hab seit 2 monaten meine Periode
Was wird da gemacht
Was schaut er oder sie sich an
Hi, ich m/15 tanze Garde und würde gerne wissen, was ihr von Garde haltet und ob es Leute gibt, die Garde tanzen. Ich persönlich tanze selber Garde. Mögt ihr Gardetanz? PS.die frage richtet sich an Jungs UND Mädels
Hallo Mädels, ich wollte mal fragen was Ihr während eures Eisprungs für Symptome habt? Heute ist er eigentlich vorbei aber laut App is die Schwangerschafts Wahrscheinlichkeit trzd noch hoch. Ich friere seid gestern extrem obwohl es nicht kalt ist Geht es euch auch manchmal so? LG und danke falls ihr mir helfen könnt
Hey , Ich bin 14 und habe seit drei Jahren meine Periode . Ich verwende immer nur Binden , weil ich sehr Angst vor Tampons habe . Ich habe schon manchmal Tampons benutzt , aber sofort wieder raus , weil ich habe so doll Angst das ich den nie mehr raus bekomme , oder dieser…
Ich verstehe nicht wie Menschen Dirndl mit Haken und Bändern anziehen können. Das ist bei mir ganze Zeit aufgegangen und war nervig. Wo findet man welche die man durchziehen kann wie auf dem Bild. Und wie kann man das Problem mit den Haken die offen sind ändern?
m14 Also ich habe ein Mädchen in der Schule welches ich mag und sie mag mich auch. Gestern fragte sie mich ob ich am Montag mit ihr auf Toilette gehen soll und wir in der Pause mal ihre brüste sehen können und sie meinen schwanz und sie wollte vileicht auch ihr wisst schon
At the registration you will be greeted by a doctor helper who gives you all the necessary information and shows you the waiting room. In most cases, you will also get a clamping board with a note to fill in. There are usually such questions about predisorders and family history.
In the waiting room you will find a number of brochures that might answer you the one or the other question. Before you are called to the examination room, you should go to the toilet again, as the gynecological examination is easier if you have an empty bladder. Sometimes you will also be given a cup to check your urine.
As a rule, the doctor or doctor asks you first to talk to the office. She or he will ask you, among other things, why you’re looking for the speaking time, whether you’ve had illnesses or have been operated before, whether you’ve had intercourse and ask you questions about your cycle. At the women’s doctor, you’re well-resolved with your sexual questions and problems and can talk about everything and get answers to questions that have always been on your heart.
After a first interview, the gynecological examination follows. This is not mandatory if you first come to practice a consultation and have no complaints at the first visit if you do not want to. You can also let the gynecological chair, the other devices and the course of the investigation be explained before the examination.
If you’re being examined, you just need to take off as far as you need. You can wear a long t-shirt or a skirt so you don’t feel too naked. First of all, you can clear your underbody and take a seat on the examination chair. That means you put on your back, spread your legs and angle them. There are also two small movable shelves on the chair where you can adjust your feet angled
The examination begins with the evaluation of the external sex parts. The so-called speculum is then introduced into the vagina and the vagina is spread apart somewhat. If you haven’t had sexual intercourse, the female doctor takes very small instruments so that it doesn’t hurt. With the aid of a light source and possibly with magnification, the screening and the mother’s mouth are evaluated.
This is what a speculum looks like:
From the mother’s mouth, the female physician takes away cell smears once a year with a small cotton stick or brush that is assessed under the microscope. This is part of the so-called cancer early detection examination and is particularly important, since the mother’s mouth is the most common malignant pupils of the female genitale.
The probe examination is then carried out (sometimes the probe examination is made before the screed, which is different for each). To this end, the female physician introduces one or two fingers into the vagina, the other hand he puts on the abdomen. In this way, the size and position, mobility and strength of the uterus and the ovaries are assessed. If you haven’t had any intercourse, this investigation does not always take place over the vagina.
After the probe examination, a vaginal ultrasound could also take place. For this purpose, the gynecologist takes a thin ultrasonic rod and overtakes it a kind of condom and lubricates it with sliding gel to not hurt you. The ultrasonic rod is then introduced into your vagina and moved back and forth carefully. In this investigation, he can judge your womb and the ovaries. Depending on the practice, an external ultrasound can also take place or in the case of virgins, not always a vaginal ultrasound is made, but an outer one.
This is how an ultrasonic rod looks:
After the ultrasound examination, you can get up from the examination chair and first dress up again. The last is the examination of the breast. To do this, you need to remove your upper part and the bra and the female doctor will then scan both breasts and the armpits and look for knotty changes. The physical examination has been completed. You can stop the investigation at any time if it is unpleasant to you or reject an investigation like vaginal ultrasound.
The doctor or the doctor will now discuss the findings with you. Now you get a recipe or other regulations, even if necessary. If you have any complaints, it can be blood collection depending on the complaint image. This is done either before or after physical examination.
You should know that most girls are going to be a female doctor for the first time, if they want to be advised about contraception or if they want to be treated. especially if they want the pill. There is no age limit for the pill. For some female doctors, if you are not 16 years old, you need to submit a parent’s consent. In any case, however, the medical obligation to remain silent applies to parents.
I hope I could help you 🙃
If you have any questions, you can send me a friendship request and write me privately on a good question.
Good luck 🍀
Thank you
Very happy ^
That was a great answer
Thank you
Every medical treatment begins with a conversation which is usually relatively detailed during the first visit. He probably explains the sensuality and the course of the investigation. It will be more possible to deal with prevention and infection protection.
During the examination, the ovaries and the uterus are usually scanned by the abdominal ceilings. Ultrasound. Then spread the vaginal inlet with a speculum (a kind of flat tong) and throw a look there. This takes place on a gynecological chair. Ev a smear with cotton sticks of top wooden saddle taken from the mother’s mouth.
You can be advised, even for prevention in the future. If you have no complaints, it’s just a conversation