Erster Gang schlecht für Motorrad Getriebe?

Ich fahre schon etwas Zeit Motorrad und es Klackt immer wenn man den ersten einlegt. Und man kann das nicht vermeiden zb an der Ampel und bitte sagt mir nicht Kupplung mit ersten Gang gezogen lassen weil das ist schlecht für Kupplung. So meine Frage ist das wirklich schlecht für das Getriebe wenn man den ersten im stehen ein legt oder labert der …

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2 years ago


that’s completely normal.

Drive an older BMW. That’s what you’re talking about. Don’t worry. This is not harmful to the engine either.


2 years ago

The first gear is intended to be placed in the stand. That’s how you drive.

If the clutch is set correctly, the clasp does nothing. You could try to keep the clutch pulled a few seconds before you insert the gear.

2 years ago
Reply to  ronnyarmin

Others ask why sometimes I have a claw when switching to other gears.( Clutch separates completely, gearbox/motorbike new) sometimes quiet but sometimes where the extremely loud was

2 years ago


The first gear has a functional feature. When you insert it when the engine is running, a rotating wheel (from the engine) clicks into a standing gear (it stands still).

In all other switching operations, there is a speed difference, but both gears involved rotate. This is how the gang goes in much quieter and faster.

At first gears, hold a little. This is one of the popular operating noises of an internal combustion engine with manual transmission.

With an electric motorcycle, I would miss it!


2 years ago

Here it is well described where it comes from. It’s quite “normal” 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Amtsschreck

So not harmful. Also not with cold engine – oil because you can see when it is jacked up that easily turns the wheel because the clutch does not completely separate

2 years ago

Right. I don’t like this “snall” too. That is why I would like to pull the clutch in the case of traffic lights I know how short the traffic light phase is.

2 years ago

The claw when the first gear is inserted is completely normal.

A multi-plate clutch never divides 100%.

For this reason, the gear wheels also run in the neutral position when the clutch is pulled.

Put the gear in, they will be brought to a standstill. That’s the fucking thing.

2 years ago

That’s what I think is normal… my kawa had that,nu did I have a dragstar, there it is