Erster frauenarzt Termin muss man angst haben?


Ich habe in 2 Monate die erste Untersuchung beim Frauenarzt habe da schon Angst. Was muss man beachten wie kann man sich vorbereiten? Die Ärztin möchte unten gucken ob alles in Ordnung ist weil ich die periode und durchfall immer habe. Ist die Untersuchung schlimm wie fühlt sich das an? Irgendwie schäme ich mich total. Rasiert man sich da unten?

Wie war es für euch?

Danke für eure Antworten!

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1 year ago

You don’t need to be afraid, it’s much less bad than you always paint out and the investigation doesn’t take 10 min and you’re never completely naked. You don’t have to prepare and observe much. You can go unraveled or shaved, the female doctor doesn’t care much, she sees both daily. It would be important, however, that you wash yourself with water beforehand, of course. And you should write up again before or take the calendar with you when the first day of your last period was, that is asked for every female doctor’s visit.

The investigation is a bit unpleasant, but usually does not hurt. In the normal examination a smear is made, for this a thin tube is introduced and then a smear is taken from the inside with a kind of tupfer. After that, the female doctor will pick you up again, a finger with glove and some lubricant will be introduced and touched. Depending on what the problems are with you, something else might be done. You’re naked all the time. After that it can be that you are still asked to put yourself back at the bottom and to clear up the top so that your breasts can be scanned. This is also a matter of less than 2 min.

1 year ago
  1. Do not arrange your appointment during your period. Especially if your visit involves a gynecological examination.
  2. Avoid the pelvic care before the examination. The removal of hair can lead to swelling or inflammation, making a gynecological examination more difficult.
  3. Do not make vaginal flushing before testing. The outflow helps the female physician to better understand the hormone balance of her patient, and this could hide a bacterial imbalance or a yeast problem.
  4. no intercourse within two days prior to the examination; This makes the work of the female doctor difficult. Especially when a Pap test is carried out.
  5. Keep an eye on your menstrual cycle. The female doctor will ask you when the first day of your last period was. Make sure you track your period.
  6. Bring copies of your medical records, especially those related to a visit to the female doctor. Best to create your own medical records at home and make copies of it before your visit.
  7. Don’t be embarrassed. It is understandable that you are afraid to show your female physician certain areas of your body. Understand that everything is completely normal and natural.
  8. Bring a written list of all the questions you have. Then you will not forget to ask.
  9. And the most important. They don’t want Female. You really want one Female doctor!
1 year ago
Reply to  superbaby94

You really want a strange man to examine you? In addition, no one understands the female anatomy better than another woman.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laurette120

And the most important. You don’t want a female doctor. You really want a female doctor!

Bullshit. A female doctor is as competent and professional as a female doctor. If you ask women where they prefer to go, you often listen to a female doctor. Because they are often more sensitive and nicer.

1 year ago

My female doctor is a woman. My female doctor and dermatologist, too.

1 year ago

Just go ahead and wash the intimate area with water as always. You can wear a longer top so you feel less nacky

it is certainly unpleasant, but does not hurt and is also not bad. You don’t have to be ashamed

Actually, it’s quite easy about your complaints. During the period, the body will crush the mucous membrane, which makes it through “Mini Wehen”. But the intestine is not far away and so it can come to diarrhea. Are you in pain, too? I’d try magnesium, warmth and calm. Take the appointment true, but until then you can try it like that. Magnesium in every Apothect is free of prescription