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2 years ago

In the case usually yes, if the content is “normal” first aid material. In the hand baggage as much as possible, if no objects are contained therein, which can be misused as a weapon. In my opinion, it does not talk about ties, plasters and compresses, but it could become problematic with the bandage scissors, which is also rounded and one could not seriously hurt anyone. In doubt, such matters must be clarified in advance with the competent authorities in order not to get any problems on site.


2 years ago

You can take it. As long as there are no items like knives or syringes, you could get hurt. I’m not sure about the scissors.

2 years ago

Basically, you can take a first aid box on a plane as long as there is no sharp items or the like. It is also best to check on the homepage of the respective airline, which items are allowed in hand luggage or generally in baggage and which are not.

2 years ago

In the hand luggage there could be problems depending on what is contained in the box. In the task baggage you can take it with you.

2 years ago


then it’s gotta get out.

Believe me, they’ve already got such a definitv on board and trained first-aiders.

2 years ago
Reply to  data2309

Believe me, they’ve already got such a definitv on board and trained first-aiders.

The question clearly shows that the FS does not need the first aid box for the flight itself. Otherwise, this would be

May be the first aid kit in the suitcase


Note for you: not everything you transport by plane, you also intend to use on the flight.
There should actually be people who do not fly because of the flight because they want to go where. And most of them take baggage so they have what they need where they want to go.

2 years ago
Reply to  gfntom

I still delivered the answer.

have only considered both possibilities.

as it is not clear from the question.