Erste Periode, blute stark?

Hi! Habe vor ein paar Tagen meine erste Periode bekommen und die ersten zwei Tage wars richtig stark. Musste nach 2 Stunden schon Binde wechseln. Weil die fast schon durch geblutet war. Wie war das bei euch??

Die nächsten Tage wars dann fast gar nix mehr und jetzt trage ich die Binde nur noch zur Sicherheit.

Und im übrigen habe ich Skrupel bei dem Tampon. Ich würde gerne zum Tampon wechseln, aber habe da bissl Angst. Glaube das ist aber normal. Weil ich fühle mich mit Binde wie ein Baby. Aber ich dachte, am Anfang ists leichter mit Binde zu starten?

Uuund. Ich habe gehört, dass am Anfang die Periode nicht regelmäßig kommt?? Jeden Monat eine Woche lang wäre die Regel oder?

Wäre nett ein paar Antworten zu bekommen 😌

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1 year ago


the period strength changes from day to day and almost hour to hour. So from that, it’s very normal.

with regard to the binding, what do you use? zb at always has a binding on the package or on the internet. table which shows you which binding you should use and if you only use smaller ones you need to change opener. I recommend you look there and buy various ties.

because of tampon it is probably normal that almost all girls start the first year with ties. I also recommend it to all girls where I give the lessons to try it with ties at the beginning. is easy to handle, how full the tampon is ect eifach more pleasant with binde as you have to get to know your period at the beginning to know how it runs because of the change. I myself have not been convinced by tampons for various reasons and I am back 1 year ago to bind (above 21) extra while swimming or if I can’t change long then I’ll take both.

the regularity of the period should come by time alone. Mostly the girls get their period always earlier but the regularity so with 15 where the body develops very further to a woman.

hope could help you:)

1 year ago

Dear patient,

I am pleased to hear that you will contact us with questions about your first period. It is normal that the blood flow in the first days of the period is stronger in some women than in the following days. However, it is important to pay attention to your body and monitor your bleeding strength regularly to ensure that you do not have excessively strong or unusually long bleeding.

With regard to the use of tampons, it is understandable that you are worried. However, you should be aware that tampons are a safe and hygienic option when used correctly. It is normal to have concerns at the beginning, but I recommend you to get information and take time to get used to the use of tampons. Some women also prefer menstrual stages or similar products that you might want to try out.

As regards the regularity of the period, it is normal that it is irregular in the first months. It may take a few months until your cycle has settled. A normal menstruation cycle lasts about 21 to 35 days, the bleeding normally lasts three to seven days.

I hope I could help you and I am happy to help you with further questions.