Erste Periode 3 Tage?

Habe am Donnerstag meine erste Periode bekommen. Sie war nicht stark und braun. Am Freitag war sie stärker und Rot ich musste meine Binde 6 mal wechseln am Tag. Und Samstag (Heute) Ist es Morgends sehr wenig gewesen und jetzt gar nichts mehr. Ist das normal? 3 Tage ist doch etwas wenig..?

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4 months ago


Yeah, that’s normal! Just the first period is the purest chaos and never the same as the other periods.

In the beginning, this is still a kind of demo version. The body tries, wants to learn and change. In puberty he has quite a lot to do and that with the period he has to somehow create. In addition, 3 days are still completely within the frame. A period usually lasts 3-7 days, everything below or above would be worrying. It can also be that your period only takes a break and continues tomorrow or the day after. Of course there is.


The period or cycle changes over years. With 20 you have a different cycle than with 13 and with 40 you have a different cycle than with 20.

This changes again and again in the course of life. In addition, the symptoms, some have a really strong pain in the first few years and then no longer later, and the others have it quite differently or only phasewise. Also, bleeding length, cycle length and bleeding strength change again and again. Even after pregnancy and birth, it usually changes again.

No one has for the rest of his life always the same cycle, the same symptoms etc. before all after the first period and in puberty many changes!


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



4 months ago

No, normal… or I’d be happy for three days.

I have the 4 days, on the first day little, then for 3 days much and then away

4 months ago

This is different for everyone, my period usually takes only 4 days. But above all at the beginning this is still very unpredictable when, how long and how strong your period is.

4 months ago

It’s your first period, so I wouldn’t worry about it and wait.

More individual advice is available at the female doctor .