Erste Periode?
Hallo, ich habe heute meine erste Periode bekommen und habe ein paar Fragen.
- Wie soll ich es meiner Mutter erzählen?
- Reichen Slipeinlagen oder sollte ich Binden nehmen?
- Muss ich die Slipeinlage/Binde in der Schule wechseln?
Danke schonmal!
Hallo 👋
Hier mal ein paar Basics die man so wissen sollte.
Hier auch noch ein Video das ganz kurz und genau erklärt was bei der Periode passiert:
____________________________________________Hier noch ein paar Tipps:
Trage in dieser Zeit dunkle Hosen und eventuell im Sommer Röcke und Kleider (mit kurzer Hose drunter). Durch die Farbe schwarz kann man Blutflecken nicht so schnell erkennen.
Verwende Nachts Nachtbinden die extra groß sind damit du nicht ausläufst. Du kannst dir auch diese Tropfschutzunterwäsche kaufen: achte bitte auf die Größentabelle. Damit ist Auslaufen so gut wie unmöglich. Auch kannst du sie ein paar Tage vor deiner Periode anziehen damit du keine überraschenden Flecken bekommst wenn sie früher kommen sollte.
kaufe dir ein kleines Täschchen darin kannst du dann Binden und Tampons verstauen und dann in der Schule zum Beispiel unauffällig mit zur Toilette nehmen.
Wenn du gerne Bücher liest empfehle ich dir dieses hier:
Wenn du keine Schmerzmittel nehmen willst und die Hausmittel nicht helfen empfehle ich dir Kade Zyklus, das braucht zwar ein bisschen bis es wirkt aber es wirkt sehr gut.
Alles was man irgendwie über den Zyklus wissen sollte habe ich hier mal zusammen geschrieben:
Du hast bestimmt schonmal das weiße Zeug in deiner Unterhose bemerkt. Hier mal genau erklärt was das ist und wozu man das hat:
Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen 🙃
Viel Glück 🍀
I got my days almost a year ago and I understand it’s hard to tell the mother.
I took her to the bathroom at the time and told her there, I cried and told her I had blood in the underpants.
Take best ties, they are more absorbent.
Slip inserts I recommend personally, if you have a reasonably regular cycle, of course also goes without (my usually fluctuates between 28 and 35, I do it so), always so a week before the calculated day to wear, so as safety.
This is somewhat complicated formulated from the time when I get really bad every day( If I’m just a week before), I usually start using slip inserts, because I’m a clear sign.
You may find out a rough cycle length in the next few months, and if not, it is not bad.
It is not the same for everyone and it can be very irregular at the beginning.
I would always change the ties if you thought it was full, but at the latest after 8 hours.
I hope I could help you with any other questions you can always write to me.
Greetings and a nice day,
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Hi :-
First congratulations on your first period 😀
I understand your fear of addressing this issue with your mother. This may be a bit embarrassing at the beginning, but I’m sure if you’ve overcome yourself, talk to your mother about it, they’ll certainly give you some tips and help you. Certainly, she will even be happy if you tell her about it and come to her with your worries to ask for her advice 🙂
Just have some courage and if you feel ready for it and you’re after it, just give yourself a little jerk and tell her about your period. Overcoming the first hurdle is always the hardest, after that it will be much easier for you to talk about such issues with your mother 🙂
You can just tell her that, “You mom, I had some blood in my underpants yesterday when I woke up in the morning. I think I got my days.”
And then just wait for what your mother will say. I’m sure she’ll be glad you gave her that and give you some good tips. Maybe she has some ties or tampons for you, which she could give you.
If your period is a bit stronger, I’d advise you to a bandage. This is much more absorbent than a slip insert.
And yes, I would definitely advise you to always have a tie for school. So you are prepared if you should get your period unplanned / surprisingly.
I hope I could help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂
Two. This depends on the strength of the period. At the beginning, the period can be very irregular and weak, because you don’t need any fat bandages, but quite normal panties. Ask your mother, she’ll have some for you. If your first period is strong, there are also such cases, yes, then use binding. You can also use slip inserts if you have your ovulation. Usually there is a white, creamy or transparent liquid on the underwear. Then you can use slip inserts to make you feel cleaner and do not have this wet feeling.
3. Yeah, even at school, you have to change your bandage. According to my experience, you have to change the bandage every 4-5 hours if it is very strong then also every 2-3 hours. I would recommend you to change your bandage when it is “full”. So if your bandage has only a very small blood stain after 4 hours, you can also wear the bandage longer until it is full. Pack some ties in your school bag. Sometimes when you have a strong period, it makes sense to take an additional underpants for the emergency.
I hope I could help you and wish you all the best 🍀😊
Slip inserts are only for the outflow, take those are better, probably you need to change the ties as they are likely to be full
hey don’t worry about you had as much fear as you
are you talking to me shortly after I know it’s totally embarrassing, but if we can discuss it pvrt?
“Do you have a tie for me?”
Depends on the strength of your control bleeding.
Depends on the strength of your control bleeding.