Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Ablauf?
ich muss einen Erste-Hilfe-Kurs machen für meinen Führerschein. Meine Freunde die schon einen gemacht haben, meinten alle das diese Kurse sehr langweilig sind. Meiner wird 7 Stunden und 45 Minuten gehen.
Wie läuft denn so ein Kurs ab und was ist alles möglich zurzeit mit Corona?
Habe irgendwie angst mich da zu blamieren xD
I didn’t find it boring, but extremely instructive and fun.
It will be explained what first aid is, what there are for types of injury and how these must be handled.
In most cases, volunteers will be equipped with various injuries (perforated hand, fire wound, ampure fingers etc.) and other volunteers will have to supply these injured.
In the aftermath it is looked like the wounds were treated and shown how to make it right.
To do this, you learn the stable side position and can revive a doll with heart-pressure massage.
So just sit and let yourself be sprinkled is not.
We also actively learned to pull a vulnerable person out of an accidental car.
We didn’t practice this part on a chair, but in the head’s car. It was very funny:D
With us, a student is collapsed in class. Was a test how we react to this 🤓
I didn’t have it that way.
Some got cards and they had to act on the promising “appearance”. who was on their map. So heat beat, heart attack, cramp fan case etc. was very funny xD
I don’t know what’s boring. You learn how to help other people in an emergency and can even save lives. This is not a theory, but is practiced very practically (as well as possible) and you are included. So it’s more than just frontal education.
You can’t blamb, even if you don’t watch in class.
Everything should be possible, but more frontal lessons than usual. At 7.75 hours there is probably an hour lunch break