Erst auto kaufen was nun?

Hallo zusammen

nach langer zeit die meist mit sparen verbracht wurde hab ich endlich nächsten Monat genug geld mir mein erst auto zu kaufen.Jedoch verstehe ich eine Sache nicht

wie bekomme ich ein Kennzeichen?

ich hab gelesen,wenn ich das Auto angemeldet habe mit den Papieren,aber wie soll ich das neu gekaufte Auto nachhause fahren?. wenn ich die Papiere erst an dem Tag bekomme

ich hab schon ein auto im blick und es ist 400km entfernt soll ich also zum auto es besichtigen(wenn es mir gefällt und gut ist) es kaufen dann mit den Papieren in meine Heimat stadt es dort anmelden und dann nochmal dorthin fahren?

sorry falls es alles so dumm klingt aber jch verstehe es nicht 🙁

danke im voraus❤️

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1 year ago
  • Visit vehicle, test drive etc.
  • Buy a car
  • Papers obtained. Received by the insurance company EVB, with both to the registration office, permit vehicle. Then pick up the vehicle.
  • … or… For transfer, you could get a short-term identifier at the location of the vehicle, then you can take the vehicle directly after the purchase and at home in your registration office.
1 year ago

There are so-called transfer identifiers, which you can request with some data of the vehicle beforehand from the registration office. Alternatively (if you have someone with a hanging license), you can also rent car trailers.

1 year ago

Once you could make a short-term registration on site so that you drive home and then allow the car in your home right.

Alternatively, you can also drive with unsealed licenses for 10 days since 1.9. Say, you’re doing the online registration on site, letting you make the corresponding tags and drive home. At home you will get the registration papers by post and stick the seals to your license plates.

You can get an EVB before visiting the car. This is valid for a while, i.e. you can look at different cars and if you buy one of them, you use the EVB for admission. Otherwise, if you complete the insurance online, the EVB will normally be faster than the waiting time at the registration office.

1 year ago
Reply to  Yusufek

Please read here exactly what you need for online registration. For example, it takes a while to activate the NFC ID function on your phone.

1 year ago

In the case, you can either send the papers of the vehicle for payment of the purchase price from the dealer (if he does), allow the car and drive with license plates, or get a tag mark at your admission point. This allows you to drive the chosen period.
But both means you haven’t seen the car yet.

1 year ago

That’s it.

  • you buy the car
  • the seller gives you the keys and the papers and HU certificate to the car. The car is now yours
  • You’ll call your insurance and take part in that you want to sign up a car. Your insurers will give you a code.
  • With the papers, the HU certificate, the code and enough money you go to your city’s road traffic office and log in your car. There are also the signs.
  • You take the signs to your car and you can go.
  • Juhuuuu!
1 year ago
Reply to  Yusufek

You’re welcome.

1 year ago

Yes, you can submit the data after you registered the car. But in any case, you have to bring a “coverage” (the code) to the office.

1 year ago

You can get shortcodes on site at the place of admission.

Here’s what you need.

Short term code: Everything at cost & insurance | ADAC

Or you’ll get a car with trailer. Then you can transport it home,