Erpel weg sperren?

Unsere Laufente brütet gerade und ich habe viel gelesen dass die Erpel die Küken tot beißen. Wir haben allerdings nicht die Möglichkeit den Erpel weg zu sperren. Aber ist das überhaupt nötig? Oder sagt ihr das muss man gar nicht?

Danke schon mal im Vorraus 🙂

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4 years ago

As long as they have space to get out of the way, it’s not a problem to leave the temple.

I never separated her and I’ve never been killed by a chick. Yeah, sometimes you don’t get all done, that’s happening again and again. But it wasn’t for aggressive fathers.

If they have no place to regulate it themselves, you should not only block the temple away, but give up the whole attitude in principle.

4 years ago

It’s better to lock the Erpel away.

4 years ago

I have seen that, despite enough space, other female ducks have killed the chicks of their sisters. I’ve never seen a bunch of young chicks.