Control discussion?
Would someone be so kind as to review my discussion and tell me what I did wrong and what I can improve?
Yes, there are a lot of spelling mistakes.
I just have a German exam tomorrow and want to make sure I know everything.
Thank you very much in advance.💫
So I don’t want to be able to improve the whole article professionally. However, I would like to mention a few points that come to my mind and which you could do until tomorrow.
It doesn’t seem to be the whole essay photographed… try to increase the length of the text in a meaningful way, provided that is required.
You can make your arguments even clearer for this, because you use examples, but these are only suitable for a detailed elaboration of the arguments.
Normally, the publication date of the article is also implemented in a basic set if this is present. Your brief summary of the external text in the conjunctive would now be followed by a detailed discussion, which has now, at least what the visible content is about. (Why do many feel bad when people feel like a boy in terms of colour blue? or: why does this point play a role in discussion?)…
Since you’re a little younger, I don’t know how much this work is to be done regardless of the type of school. Nor can I see the external text, which is why I forbid improvements to it.
Apart from that, the spelling, as you have already noted, must be improved. In principle, it will be astonishing to implement a lot by tomorrow, but it is also clear that points such as spelling can only improve with time.
As already stated, the expectation horizon can differ significantly depending on school and class. I simply tried to present some basic improvements without further material or information about the lessons. To what extent these can be common, you have to decide yourself. At least in spelling, the approach to improvement should be clear. You seem to have understood the basic structure (depending on what is required) and also the mental presentation and treatment of the discussion seems to me in principle conclusive when the scope of the text and the arguments associated with it are shown improved.
Because of the spelling, I didn’t pay attention to it in the rubbing, I’m sure. And this half of the page you see is not to my discussion that belongs to something else. But thank you.